Section: Research Program
Understanding and assessing user interaction
The exploration of the input/output interaction space, and the design of new interaction techniques, are strongly linked with human factors, which will be the third research axis of the Potioc project. Indeed, to guide the developments described in the previous sections, we first need to well understand users' motor and cognitive skills for the completion of 3D interaction tasks. This will be explored thanks to a-priori experiments. In order to evaluate our hardware and software interfaces, we will conduct a-posteriori user studies. Finally, we will explore new approaches for a real-time cognitive analysis of the performance and the experience of a user interacting with a 3D environment.
The main challenge in this part of the project will be to design good experimental protocols that will allow us to finely analyze various parameters for improving our interfaces. In 2D, there exist many standard protocols and prediction laws for evaluating UIs (e.g. Fitts law and ISO 9241). This is not the case in 3D. Consequently, a special care must be taken when evaluating interaction in 3D spatial contexts.
In addition to the standard experiments we will conduct in our lab, we will conduct large scale experiments thanks to the strong collaboration we have with the center for the widespread diffusion of scientific culture, Cap Sciences (see Collaboration section). With such kind of experiments, we will be able to test hundreds of participants of various ages, gender, or level of expertize that we will be able to track thanks to the Navinum system (Navinum is a system based on a RFID technology that is used to collect informations about the activity of the visitors in Cap Sciences. ), and this during long a period of time. A challenge for us will be to gain benefit from this wealth of information for the development of our 3D UIs.
A-priori user studies
Before designing 3D UIs, it is important to understand what a user is good at, and what may cause difficulties. This is true at a motor level, as well as a cognitive level. For example, are users able to coordinate the movements of several fingers on a touchscreen at the same time, or are they able to finely control the quantity of force applied on it while moving their hand? Similarly, are the users able to mentally predict a 3D rotation, and how many levels of depth are they able to distinguish when visualizing stereoscopic images? To answer these questions, we will conduct preliminary studies.
Our research in that direction will guide our developments for the other research axes described above. For example, it will be interesting to explore touch-based 3D UIs that take into account several levels of force if we see that this parameter can be easily handled by users. On the other hand, if the results of a-priori tests show that this input cannot be easily controlled, then we will not push forward that direction.
The members of Potioc have already conducted such kinds of experiments, and we will continue our work in that direction. For some investigations, we will collaborate with psychologists and experts in cognitive science (see Collaborations section) to explore in more depth motor and cognitive human skills.
A-priori studies will allow us to understand how users tend to ”naturally” interact to complete 3D interaction tasks, and to understand which feedbacks are the best suited. This will be a first answer to our global quest of providing pleasant interfaces. Indeed, this will allow us to adapt the UIs to the users, and not the opposite. This should enhance the global acceptability and motivation of users facing a new interactive system.
A-posteriori user studies
In Potioc, we will conceive new hardware and software interfaces. To validate these UIs, and to improve them, we will conduct user experiments, as classically done in the field of HCI. This is a standard methodology that we currently follow (see Bibliography). We will do this in our lab, and in Cap Sciences.
Beyond the standard evaluation criteria that are based on performance for speed, accuracy, coordination, and so on, we will also consider other criteria that are more relevant for the Potioc project. Indeed, we will give a great importance to enjoyability, pleasure of use, accessibility, and so on. Consequently, we will need to redefine the standard way to evaluate UIs. Once again, our relationship with Cap Sciences will help us in such investigations. The use of questionnaires will be a way to better understand how an interface should be designed to reach a successful use. In addition, we will observe and analyze how visitors tend to interact with various interfaces we will propose. For example, we will collect information like the time spent on a given interactive system or the number of smiles recorded during an interaction process. The identification of good criteria to use for the evaluation of a popular 3D UI will be one of the research directions of our team.
Conducting such a-posteriori studies, in particular with experts of mediation, with new criteria of success, will be a second answer to our goal of evaluating the pleasure linked to the use of 3D UIs.
Real-time cognitive analysis
Classically, the user's subjective preferences for a given 3D UI are assessed using questionnaires. While these questionnaires provide important information, this is only a partial, biased, a-posteriori/a-priori measure, since they are collected before or after the 3D interaction process. When questionnaires are administered during 3D interaction, this interrupts and disturbs the user, hence biasing the evaluation. Moreover, while evaluating performance and usefulness is now well described and understood, evaluating the user's experience and thus the system usability appears as much more difficult, with a lack of systematic and standard approaches. Ideally, we would like to measure the user response and subjective experience while he/she is using the 3D UI, i.e., in real-time and without interrupting him/her, in order to precisely identify the UI pros and cons. Questionnaires cannot provide such a measure.
Fortunately, it has been recently shown that BCI could be used in a passive way, to monitor the user's mental state. More precisely, recent results suggested that appropriately processed EEG signals could provide information about mental states such as error perception, attention or mental workload. As such, BCI are emerging as a new tool to monitor a user's mental state and brain responses to various stimuli, in real-time. In the Potioc project, we propose a completely new way to evaluate 3DUI: rather than relying only on questionnaires to estimate the user's subjective experience , we propose to exploit passive BCI to estimate the user's mental state in real-time, without interrupting nor disturbing him or her, while he/she is using the 3DUI. In particular, we aim at measuring and processing EEG and other biosignals (e.g., pulse, galvanic skin response, electromyogram) in real-time in order to estimate mental states such as interaction error potentials or workload/attention levels, among others. This will be used to finely identify how intuitive, easy-to-use and (ideally) enjoyable any given 3D UI is. More specifically, it will allow us to identify how, when and where the UI has flaws. Because the analysis will occur in real-time, we will potentially be able to modify the interface while the user is interacting. This should lead to a better understanding of 3D interaction. The work that will be achieved in this area could potentially also be useful for 2D interface design. However, since Potioc's main target is 3DUI, we will naturally focus the real-time cognitive evaluations on 3D contexts, with specific targets such as depth perception, or perception of 3D rotations.
This real-time cognitive analysis will be a third answer to reach the objectives of Potioc, which are to open 3D digital worlds to everyone by increasing the pleasure of use.