Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
Collaborations with Major European Organizations
Collaboration with the University of Bristol, BIG (UK):
University of Bristol, Bristol Interaction and Graphics (BIG) group, UK (Head: Pr. Sriram Subramanian)
We have strong relationships with Sriram Subramanian. This has led to joint paper publications, numerous visits and a co-supervision of a PhD thesis (Camille Jeunet)
Bordeaux Idex project "Conception de Système d'interfaces cerveau-ordinateur prenant en compte les facteurs humains afin d'optimiser l'apprentissage de l'utilisateur:
partners: Bordeaux Segalen University (Handicap & Système nerveux team), Bristol University (BIG team)
LIRA Stress and Relaxation project:
Project title: LIfe-style Research Association, Lifestyle Management: Stress and Relaxation
Other partners: Philips (Netherlands), Fraunhofer (Germany), Inria teams Hybrid and Mimetic
Abstract: The Stress and Relaxation project aims at offering services to a user, at home or at work, to help this user evaluate and control his level of stress