Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
David Déharbe from UFRN (Natal, Brazil) joined the VeriDis team in Nancy for a one-year sabbatical that started in August 2013.
Josef Widder from TU Vienna, Austria, spent 6 weeks in Nancy in October and November 2013 as an Inria invited researcher. Together with Stephan Merz, he worked on the formalization of parameterized model checking techniques for fault-tolerant distributed algorithms in a proof assistant.
Mike Poppleton from the University of Southampton and Hoang Thai Son from ETHZ spent a week in our group for developing techniques to integrate fairness in Event B models, on the basis of the work published at IFM 2013 [17] .
- Luis Esteban Campostrini
- Anisia Maria Magdalena Tudorescu