Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Pascal Fontaine co-chaired the International Conference on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2013). He served on the program committee of the workshops PxTP 2013, SMT 2013, and the International Conference on Computer Aided Deduction (CADE 2013). He is an elected member of the SMT Steering Committee, and one of three SMT-LIB managers.
a member of the IFIP Working Group 1.3 on Foundations of System Specification,
head of the Doctoral School IAEM Lorraine for the University of Lorraine,
head of the Formal Methods department of the LORIA laboratory,
an expert for the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and AERES.
He served on the program committees of FHIES, FM, ICECCS, ICFEM, iFM, and FACS.
The academic duties of Stephan Merz in 2013 included:
member of the IFIP Working Group 2.2 on Formal Description of Programming Concepts,
Inria representative in the Scientific Directorate of the International Computer Science Meeting Center in Dagstuhl,
delegate for the organization of conferences at Inria Nancy Grand-Est,
co-head of the PhD committee for computer science in Lorraine,
member of the program committees of iFM, Memocode, SAC, SBMF, and SEFM conferences, AFADL, AVoCS, Refinement, and SCSS workshops, member of the steering committee of AVoCS,
co-organizer of the VTSA summer school between Nancy, Saarbrücken, Luxembourg, and Liège,
president of the hiring committee for a professorship at Télécom Nancy and member of the hiring committee for professors at Université de l'Artois in Lens,
expert for the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), German DFG, and Canadian NSERC.
Thomas Sturm is a member of the Selection Committees for MSc and PhD students of the International Max-Planck Research School for Computer Science.