Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
SyRreMuse project: recommender for museum and exhibit visitors
Participant : Bernard Senach [correspondant] .
The goal of the SyReMuse Project is to design and implement a recommender system for Museum and exhibits visitors. The project brings together a cluster of research labs from Inria and from University of Avignon mixing computer scientists and Human Science researchers (Laboratoire d'informatique d'Avignon, -Centre Norbert Elias, Wimmics, Hephaistos, ICT usage labs) . The project has been submitted to an ANR Call and, though not successful is still going on with a restricted objective focusing on modeling visitor's expectations and experience (individual and group).
Gnothi Seauton project : Evaluation of communicating objects
Participants : Yves Papegay, Bernard Senach [correspondant] , Jean-Pierre Merlet.
In collaboration with a rehabilitation center, we are setting up an experiment of self-quantification devices based on actimetrics (measurement and analysis of motor activities of a subject ). The goal of the study is to assess utility and usability of these devices in the context of mobility rehabilitation. The study will take place at Vallauris' Centre Heliomarin with physical therapists and patients with mobility impairments.