Section: Dissemination


  • Antoine ROUSSEAU is co-author of the book[16] (and blog ) Brèves de Maths (Ed. Nouveau Monde, Nov. 2014)

  • Antoine ROUSSEAU gave several conferences for highschool students and their teachers in France, on the topics of mathematical modeling for environmental sciences:

    • Fête de la Science, Oct. 2014, Genopolys Montpellier (with Twitter reports on the national account @EnDirectDuLabo )

    • Fête de la Science, Oct. 2014, Centre International de Valbonne

    • Initiation à la recherche, Oct. 2014, Lycée Saint-Sernin , Toulouse

  • Antoine ROUSSEAU gave a public lecture for Inria staff Café In' in Inria Sophia, Dec. 2014

  • Antoine ROUSSEAU was invited to the Société Informatique de France annual workshop SIF 2014 to participate to a round table on scientific outreach

  • Antoine ROUSSEAU is member of the national Inria network for scientific outreach Médiation scientifique

  • Arnaud Duran gave a public lecture for high school students at Collège Jean Bène (Pézénas, France), Feb 2014.