Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Gael Varoquaux
    • Stat Course cogmaster (3 × 3H)

    • Python course Inria Rocquencourt et Rennes: 8Hrs each time

    • Optimization tutoral at Euroscipy: 2H

    • Scikit-learn tutorial at Scipy: 4H

    • Functional connectivity course at OHBM: 30mn

    • MSR TechDays 2014 : Scikit-Learn: Machine Learning en Python (2H)

  • Bertrand Thirion
    • Master MVA, Imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale et interface cerveau machine, 12h + 3h, M2, ENS Cachan, France.

    • Functional connectivity course at ISMRM: 30mn

    • Machine learning course, cortical mapping course at OHBM: 2 × 30 mn.

  • Philippe Ciuciu
    • Master 2 Biomedical Engineering Université Paris V & Télécom Paris-Tech

    • Master 2 Imagerie Médicale Université Paris-Sud


PhD defense:

  • Viviana Siless: July 8th, Multi-modal registration of T1 brain image and geometric descriptors of white matter tracts.

  • Nicolas Zilber: March 10th, ERF and scale-free analyses of source-reconstructed MEG brain signals during a multisensory learning paradigm.

  • Hao Xu: March 31st, Probabilistic atlas statistical estimation with multimodal datasets and its application to atlas based segmentation.


Bertrand Thirion was reviewer in the following PhD thesis committees:

  • Mathieu Ruiz

  • Ben Cassidy, university of South Wales, Australia

  • Kasper Winther Andersen, April 22nd, DTU, Denmark

He was Examiner in the following PhD thesis committee:

  • Hugo Raguet, Sept 22nd, Université Paris Dauphine.