Section: New Software and Platforms
Heat diffusion in soils
Participants : Édouard Canot [correspondant] , Salwa Mansour.
HeMaTiS (Heat and Mass Transfer in Soils) is a set of Finite Volume programs (variants concern different geometrical configurations: 1D, 1D-radial, 2D, 3D-axisymmetric) for computing the transient heat diffusion in soils when there is a phase change of water. Currently, the soil is modelled by a heterogeneous porous medium having constant thermo-physical properties, and the porous medium is saturated with water. The phase change is treated by means of the Apparent Heat Capacity method. In the near future, we plan to use an unsaturated model (but limited to small water content), and an effective thermal conductivity which depends on the local humidity (this latter law may reveal hysteresis behaviour). The software is written in Fortran 95 and is based on the Muesli library ( 5.3.2 ). A Computer Algebra System (Maple or Maxima) is used to compute the Jacobian matrix.
Participants : Édouard Canot [correspondant] , Salwa Mansour.
TPIP (Thermal Properties by Inverse Problem) is a program which aims at estimating the thermo-physical of a saturated porous medium after a strong heating which leads to the phase change of the water contained in the pores, knowing the experimental heating curves history at few selected points. The least-square criterion is used, in which sensitivity coefficients are the solution of a huge, complex PDE system in order to take into account the phase change of water. These equations for the sensitivity coefficients are therefore obtained via a Computer Algebra System (Maple or Maxima). In many aspects, the forward problem is similar to the HeMaTiS code ( 5.4.1 ), and like it, is based on Muesli ( 5.3.2 ). Two different minimization algorithms may be used, Damped Gauss-Newton or Levenberg-Marquardt. A special procedure has been applied in order to obtain a robust convergence, by changing some parameters of the forward problem during the iterations.
Participants : Édouard Canot [correspondant] , Salwa Mansour.
The GLiMuH code (Grains with Liquid Meniscus under Heating) is devoted to the understanding of how heat diffuses in an assembly of solid grains separated by air and water. In the pendular regime, the quantity of water is very small, leading to liquid bridges between the grains. In the current approximation, the grains are spherical in shape, and the numerical simulation is done in a 3D axisymmetric coordinate system. The shape of the liquid/gas interface is computed by integrating a differential algebraic system of equations, with a given quantity of water per unit volume of the porous medium, and under the constraint of a given contact angle between the liquid/gas interface and the solid boundaries. The numerical results allow us to estimate the effective thermal conductivity of a real wet granular medium, which is required to establish more realistic models for the HeMaTiS code ( 5.4.1 ).