Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The university employees of VeriDis (in Nancy) have statutory teaching obligations of 192 hours per year. We indicate the graduate courses that members of the team have been teaching in 2014.

Marie Duflot-Kremer taught a course on Introduction to Algorithmic Verification (first-year master level at Université de Lorraine). She and Stephan Merz also taught a course on Algorithmic Verification in the second year of master and for students of Erasmus Mundus Dependable Software Systems.

Pascal Fontaine is head of the Master MIAGE (Business Informatics) at Université de Lorraine since September 2014.

Stephan Merz taught a course on formal specification using TLA+ at the SPES_XT summer school on model-based development of embedded systems at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) in September.

Uwe Waldmann gave courses on Automated Reasoning I and II at Saarland University.

Christoph Weidenbach gave a course on Automated Reasoning I.


  • PhD: Arnaud Fietzke, Labelled Superposition, Universität des Saarlandes. Supervised by Christoph Weidenbach, defended on June 5, 2014.

  • PhD: Hernán Pablo Vanzetto, Proof Automation and Type Synthesis for Set Theory in the Context of TLA+, Université de Lorraine. Supervised by Kaustuv Chaudhuri and Stephan Merz, defended on December 8, 2014.

  • PhD in progress: Manamiary Andriamiarina, Refinement Techniques for Distributed Algorithms, Université de Lorraine. Supervised by Dominique Méry, since 10/2010.

  • PhD in progress: Noran Azmy, On the Automation of Proofs in TLAPS, Saarland University. Supervised by Stephan Merz and Christoph Weidenbach, since 11/2012.

  • PhD in progress: Haniel Barbosa, Refutational Completeness in Satisfiability Modulo Theories, Université de Lorraine and UFRN (Natal, Brazil). Supervised by David Déharbe, Pascal Fontaine, and Stephan Merz, since 12/2013.

  • PhD in progress: Martin Bromberger, Arithmetic Reasoning, Saarland University. Supervised by Christoph Weidenbach, since 07/2014.

  • PhD in progress: Pablo Federico Dobal, Satisfiability Modulo Arithmetic Theories, Université de Lorraine and Saarland University. Supervised by Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz, and Thomas Sturm, since 09/2014.

  • PhD in progress: Marek Košta, Computational Logic, Universität des Saarlandes. Supervised by Thomas Sturm, since 11/2011.

  • PhD in progress: Manuel Lamotte Schubert, Automatic Authorization Analysis, Saarland University. Supervised by Christoph Weidenbach, 07/2010.

  • PhD in progress: Marco Voigt, Decidable Hierarchic Combinations, Saarland University. Supervised by Christoph Weidenbach, since 11/2013.

  • PhD in progress: Daniel Wand, First-Order Extensions to Support Higher-Order Reasoning, Saarland University. Supervised by Christoph Weidenbach, since 02/2011.


Stephan Merz served as a reviewer for the PhD theses of Nadezhda Baklanova (Univ. Toulouse 3), Claire Dross (Univ. Paris Sud), and Giuliano Losa (EPFL Lausanne).