Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
workshop Bioinformatics tools for NRPS discovery, from genomic data to the products, october 28-30, 32 attendees
workshop Drug design and virtual screening November 30, 60 attendees
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
H. Touzet was PC chair of the international conference WABI 2015 (Atlanta, USA, september 10-12)
Member of the conference program committees
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
Scientific expertise
Research administration
Member of the Charles Viollette Institute Laboratory council (V. Leclère)
Member of the Charles Viollette Institute scientific committee (V. Leclère)
Member of the scientific operational committee of Xperium, Univ. Lille 1 (V. Leclère)
Member of the Inria local committee for technology development (M. Pupin)
Member of the national evaluation committee of computer science for University members (M. Pupin)
Member of the executive council of the IFB, Institut Français de Bioinformatique, (M. Pupin)
Member of the Inria local committee for the IT users (M. Salson)
Member of the national scientific committee of INS2I–CNRS (H. Touzet)
Member of the Gilles Kahn PhD award national commitee (H. Touzet)
Member of the GRIOTE (Groupement de Recherche en Intégration de données Omics à Très grande Echelle, région Pays de Loire) scientific council (H. Touzet)
Member of the scientific committee of the national program Environmics (H. Touzet)
Member of the CRIStAL scientific council, representant of the thematic group “Modeling for life sciences” (J.-S. Varré)