Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • Clime is partner with IRSN (http://www.irsn.fr/ ), the French national institute for radioprotection and nuclear safety, for uncertainty estimation of dispersion simulations. The collaboration aims at better estimating emission sources, at improving operational forecasts for crisis situations and at estimating the reliability of forecasts. The work is derived at large scale (continental scale) and small scale (a few kilometers around a nuclear power plant).

  • Clime takes part to an Inria innovation lab with the group SETH (Numtech http://www.numtech.fr/ ). The objective is to (1) transfer Clime work in data assimilation, ensemble forecasting and uncertainty estimation, with application to urban air quality, (2) identify the specific problems encountered at urban scale in order to determine new research directions.