Section: Dissemination
Amine Boumaza coached a team of programmers that participated in the R2T2 (Remote Rescue using Thymio2) Robot challenge organized by EPFL. The challenge brought together 100 children from 5 countries to save a Martian base using a group of robots ( ).
Serena Ivaldi was portraited in the book “Le cerveau fait-il deux choses à la fois ?” by Fiamma Luzzatti.
Jean-Baptiste Mouret gave a talk on “Robots that can adapt to damage in minutes” at Café Neu Romance, Prague (28th of November, 2015)
Vincent Thomas gave a talk and proposed a tutorial on “physics simulation” during “journées ISN-EPI” (15th of Mars, 2015)
Vincent Thomas made a presentation about planning for students of Lycée Bichat-Lunéville (19th of Mars, 2015)
Vincent Thomas participated in “journées Village Master” (9th of April, 2015)
Vincent Thomas participated in the preparation of “Computer Science Exporoute” (conducted by Inria Nancy - Grand Est) planned for 2016
Vincent Thomas created the exposition “jeux ateliers de la pensée” ( ) in 2013 with master students from cognitive sciences. This exposition is still presented in several Bibliothèques Universitaires of Université de Lorraine (BU Brabois, BU St Dié).