Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Defi Imag'IN CNRS

Defi Imag'IN MultiPlanNet (2015-2016). This is a 2-year project to build a network for the analysis and fusion of multimodal data from planetology. There are 8 partners: IRCCYN Nantes, GIPSA-lab Grenoble, IPAG Grenoble, CEA Saclay, UPS Toulouse, LGL Lyon1, GEOPS University Orsay and Inria Mistis. F. Forbes is in charge of one work package entitled Massive inversion of multimodal data. Our contribution will be based on our previous work in the VAHINE project on hyperspectral images and recent developments on inverse regression methods made in the HUMAVIPS project. The CNRS support for the network is of 20 keuros.

GDR Madics

Apprentissage, opTimisation à Large-échelle et cAlcul diStribué (ATLAS). Mistis is participating to this action supported by the GDR in 2016 (3 keuros).


MSTGA and AIGM INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) networks: F. Forbes is a member of the INRA network called AIGM (ex MSTGA) network since 2006, http://carlit.toulouse.inra.fr/AIGM , on Algorithmic issues for Inference in Graphical Models. It is funded by INRA MIA and RNSC/ISC Paris. This network gathers researchers from different disciplines. F. Forbes co-organized and hosted 2 of the network meetings in 2008 and 2015 in Grenoble.