Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • Univ. of Konstanz, Jean-Daniel Fekete collaborates with Michael Behrischon network exploration based on matrices [4], [3].

  • NYU, Jean-Daniel Fekete collaborates with Enrico Bertini and his students on multidimensional visualization and exploration [23]/

  • Microsoft Research Redmond, Jean-Daniel Fekete collaborates with Nathalie Henry-Riche on the visualization of dynamic networks (see 6.3).

  • Stanford University. Mathieu Le Goc, Jean-Daniel Fekete and Pierre Dragicevic collaborate with Sean Follmer on Swarm User Interfaces and the design of the Zooids (section 7.1).

  • Univ of Calgary. Pierre Dragicevic collaborates with Wesley Willett on situated data visualization.

  • Univ of Washington, Univ Chicago and Univ Zurich. Pierre Dragicevic collaborates with Matthew Kay, Steve Haroz and Chat Wacharamanotham on transparent statistical reporting.

  • Microsoft Research, Redmond, University of Waterloo, University of Calgary. Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg collaborate with Bongshin Lee, Mark Hancock, Diane Watson, and Sheelagh Carpendale on touch vs. mouse interaction

  • Microsoft Research, Redmond. Petra Isenberg collaborates with Bongshin Lee on mobile visualization research.

  • Univ. of Vienna, Austria: Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg collaborate with Torsten Möller and Michael Sedlmair on visualization practices and evaluation of visualization.

  • Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA: Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg collaborate with Jian Chen on visualization practices and evaluation of visualization.

  • Georgia Tech, USA: Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg collaborate with John Stasko on visualization practices.

  • Univ. Groningen, the Netherlands: Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg collaborate with Lingyun Yu and Konstantinos Efstathiou on context-aware 3D selection.

  • Univ. of Granada, Spain: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Domingo Martín on non-photorealistic rendering.

  • Techn. Univ. of Vienna, Austria: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Ivan Viola on illustrative visualization.

  • Univ. of Bergen, Norway: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Stefan Bruckner on interactive visualization.

  • Univ. of Ulm, Germany: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Timo Ropinski on interactive visualization.

  • Worms Univ. of Appl. Sciences, Germany: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Alexander Wiebel on interactive visualization.

  • Univ. Koblenz-Landau, Germany: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Kai Lawonn on illustrative visualization.

  • Univ. Magdeburg, Germany: Tobias Isenberg collaborates with Bernhard Preim on illustrative visualization.