Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • The team has been accepted as the main organizer of ECAL 2017

  • Organization and chair of the second EvoEvo workshop (satellite workshop of CSS 2016), Amsterdam, September 20th 2016

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Co-organization of the minisymposium “Modeling Spatiotemporal Calcium Dynamics” at ECMTB 2016 (10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology), The University of Nottingham, UK, 11-15 July 2016 (H. Berry and R. Thüll, U Nottingham)

  • Co-organization the thematic school “EIEFB 2016: Ecole interdisciplinaire d'échanges et de formation en biologie”, Paris, 13-15 June 2016 (H. Berry and B. Abou, Univ. Paris Diderot).

  • Co-organization of the module “Molecular assembling and dynamics: from experimentation to modeling” at the thematic school “Functional Microscopy in Biology” (MiFoBio 2016), Seignosse, France, 30 Sep-07 Oct 2016 (H. Berry, C. Favard, CNRS Montpellier and L. Héliot, CNRS Lille).

  • E Tannier is a member of the organizing committee of ICGT 2018 (International Conference on Graph Theory)

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • C Knibbe is a member of the Program committee of Alife XV, Cancun, Mexico, July 2016

  • C Rigotti is a member of the Program committee of ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)

  • E Tannier is a member of Recomb Comparative Genomics 2016 program Committee

  • E Tannier is a member of ECCB 2016 program Committee

  • E Tannier is a member of SEMOVI (séminaire de modélisation du vivant) program Committee

  • G Beslon is a member of the Program committee of ALife 2016 (Cancun, Mexico)

  • G Beslon is a member of the Program committee of Jobim 2016 (Lyon, France)

  • G Beslon is a member of the Program Committee of MUME 2016 (Paris, France)

  • CPM 2016, RECOMB 2016 (E Tannier)

  • ECCB 2016 (C Knibbe)

  • EuroPar 2016 (J Rouzaud-Cornabas)


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • E Tannier is a member of the editorial committee of Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology, an open archive labeling system alternative to publications.

  • H Berry is a member of the editorial committee of AIMS Biophysics

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • PLoS One, Systematic Biology, Bioinformatics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, PLoS Computational Biology, BMC evolutionary Biology, Genome Biology and Evolution, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (E Tannier)

  • Scientific Reports, Physical Biology, Frontiers Synaptic Neuroscience, PLoS Computational Biology, Journal Mathematical Neuroscience, New Journal of Physics (H Berry)

  • Entropy, PLoS Computational Biology (G Beslon)

  • IEEE Geoscience, Remote Sensing Letters (C Rigotti)

  • IEEE Transaction on Cloud Computing (J Rouzaud-Cornabas)

Invited Talks

  • J Rouzaud-Cornabas, "Performance Optimization for Computational Biolog", Perfomance Analysis Day, Lyon, December 2016

  • C Knibbe, "Insights on genome dynamics from in silico experimental evolution and mathematical modelling", Séminaire de Modélisation du Vivant (SeMoVi), 28th of September 2016, Lyon, France.

  • C Knibbe, "Genome size evolution: Putting intuition to the test with modeling and simulation", Jacques Monod Conference on "Evolutionary genomics and systems biology: bringing together theoretical and experimental approaches", 10-14th of October 2016, Roscoff, France.

  • G Beslon, Hybrid Systems Biology workshop (Grenoble, France) at the Semideev meeting (Saclay, France), at the FET technical seminar (Brussels, Belgium)

  • H Berry, “Estimating the impact of anomalous diffusion on intracellular biochemical kinetics", workshop "Stochastic Modelling of Transport Processes In Biology", 30th-31st March 2016, Manchester, UK

  • H Berry, “Estimating the effects of spatial non-homogeneities in intracellular diffusion-reactions”, meeting of the BIOSS Working-Group, July 1st 2016, Lyon

  • H Berry, “Calcium signals in astrocytes: from intercellular to subcellular models”, workshop “In vitro and in silico modelling of neuron-astrocyte communication” of the 2016 Bernstein Conference, September 20-21 2016, Berlin, Germany

  • H Berry, “The many dimensions of cortico-striatal STDP”, meeting of the GDR BioComp, 10-12 Oct 2016, Lyon

  • H Berry, “Anomalous diffusion in cells: experimental data and modelling”, CIMPA School "Mathematical models in biology and medicine", December 05-16 2016, Moka, Mauritius.

  • E Tannier, "The second root of molecular evolution" Genetic depatment of the Trinity College, Dublin, Feruary 2017

  • E Tannier, "Molecules as documents of evolutionary history: 50 years before", Jacques Monod Conference Molecules as Documents of Evolutionary History, Roscoff, May 2016

  • E Tannier, "Breaking bad", workshop Pattern Avoidance and Genome Sorting, Dagstuhl, February 2016

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • H Berry is a Member of the Scientific Board (comité scientifique) of GdR MIV (Microscopie et Imagerie du Vivant, GdR 2588)

  • H Berry is a Member of the Steering Commitee (comité de pilotage) of GdR IMaBIO (Imagerie et Microscopie pour la BIOlogie, submitted)

Scientific Expertise

  • H Berry is a Reviewer for the US National Science Foundation (NSF), call “Early-career Program”

  • H Berry is a Member of the evaluation committee for research program ROSIRIS of the IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)

  • E Tannier is a Member of the evaluation committee for the FRNQT, Research program in Quebec.

Research Administration

  • C Knibbe is a member of Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes Comité de Développement Technologique (CDT)

  • C Knibbe is a member of the Selection committee in CNU section 67/64 at Université Paris Diderot

  • C Knibbe is a member of the Conseil de Laboratoire LIRIS (UMR 5205 CNRS)

  • C Rigotti is an elected member of Insa Scientific board (Conseil scientifique)

  • G Beslon member of the CoNRS (Section 6 and CID 51)

  • G Beslon member of the scientific commission 5 (CSS5) of the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement)

  • H Berry is Vice-Chair of Inria's “Evaluation Committee” (Commission d'Evaluation)

  • H Berry is Chair of the Search Committee for “Junior Research Scientists” (Président Jury d'admissibilité CR2) of Inria Grenoble Research Center

  • H Berry is Elected member of Inria's “Scientific Board” (Conseil Scientifique)

  • H Berry is Member of Inria's “Parity-Equality” Committee

  • H Berry is Member of the Science Steering Committee of the Rhône-Alpes Complex Systems Institute (IXXI)

  • E Tannier is an elected member of Inria Administration Council

  • E Tannier is the scientific referent of the Inria symposium committee