Section: Dissemination


The team has always been very active in popularizing computational biology and computer science in general.

  • M. Salson participated in an exchange with scientific journalists organized by the French association of scientific journalists (AJSPI). A journalist was hosted during one week in the team and M. Salson spent one week in the newsroom of La Recherche, a French science magazine.

  • Within a project on skeptical thinking with a popularization association “Les Petits Débrouillards”, M. Salson is part of the monitoring committee and gave lectures to social workers.

  • The team participates to dissemination actions for high school students and high school teachers on a regular basis: multiple presentations on bioinformatics and research in bioinformatics with our dedicated “genome puzzles”, booth about computer science unplugged for high school girls, booth at Xperium about development of biopesticides (including a demo on the use of Norine), plenary presentations at the “Day for Programming and Algorithmic Teaching”, presentations at “Salon de l’étudiant”, visit of high school students in the team (M. Giraud, M. Pupin, M. Salson, J.-S. Varré, R. Chikhi, V. Leclère)