Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Teaching in computer science:

  • Master: Y. Dufresne, Algorithmics and complexity, 36h, M1 Computer Science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: Y. Dufresne, Oriented object design, 42h, L3 Computer Science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: S. Janot, Introduction to programming (C), 50h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: S. Janot, Databases, 30h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: S. Janot, Databases, 12h, M1 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: S. Janot, Logic and Semantic Web, 80h, M1 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: L. Noé, Networks, 42h, L3 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: L. Noé, Programming (Python), 54h, L3 Computer science' S3H, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: L. Noé, Coding and information theory, 36h, L2 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: L. Noé, Functional Programming, 30h, L2 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: P. Pericard, Data structures, 18h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: P. Pericard, Introduction to programming (C), 34h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: P. Pericard, Programming (C), 22h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: P. Pericard, Databases, 22h, M1 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: M. Pupin, Introduction to programming (Python), 78h, L1 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: M. Pupin, Professional project, 18h, L3 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: M. Pupin, Introduction to programming (JAVA), 24h, M1 Mathématiques et finance, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: T. Rocher, Algorithmics and programming, 32h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: T. Rocher, Algorithmics and programming (remedial course), 8h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: T. Rocher, Databases, 26h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: C. Saad, Algorithmics and programming, 28h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: C. Saad, Databases, 36h, L3 Polytech'Lille, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: M. Salson, Skeptical thinking, 18h, M2 Journalist and Scientist, ESJ, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: M. Salson, Coding and information theory, 63h, L2 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, Web programming, 36h, L2 Computer Science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, Y. Dufresne, Object oriented programming, 36h, L2 Computer Science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, Algorithms and data structures, 50h, L2 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, System, 36h, L3 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: J.-S. Varré, Y. Dufresne, Software project, 24h, M1 Computer science, Univ. Lille 1.

Teaching in bioinformatics:

  • License: S. Blanquart, R. Chikhi, M. Giraud, Bioinformatics, 40h, L3 Computer Science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: S. Blanquart, Algorithms and applications in bioinformatics, 24h, M1 Computer Science, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: S. Blanquart, Methods in phylogenetics, 4h, M2 Biodiversité Evolution Ecologie, Univ. Lille 1.

  • License: V. Leclère, Biotechnology, 24h, L3 Biology, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: L. Noé, Bioinformatics, 40h, M1 Biotechnologies, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: M. Pupin Bioinformatics, 40h, M1 Biology and Biotechnologies, Univ. Lille 1.

  • Master: M. Salson, Algorithms for life sciences, 18h, M2 Complex models, algorithms and data, Univ. Lille 1.

Teaching in biology:

  • Master, V. Leclère, Mycology, secondary metabolites, food microbiology, 37 h, M1 Biology, Univ. Lille 1.

Teaching administration

  • Head of the computer science modules in the 1st year of licence, univ. Lille 1 (M. Pupin).

  • Head of the licence semester “Computer Science – S3 Harmonisation (S3H)”, univ. Lille 1 (L. Noé).

  • Member of UFR IEEA council (M. Pupin, J.-S. Varré).

  • Head of the 3rd year of licence of computer science, univ. Lille 1(J.-S. Varré).

  • Head of the GIS department (Software Engineering and Statistics) of Polytech'Lille (S. Janot).

  • Member of UFR Biologie council (V. Leclère).

  • Head of the master “Innovations en biotechnologies végétales, enzymatiques et microbiennes”, univ. Lille 1 (V. Leclère).


  • PhD : C. Vroland, Algorithmique pour la recherche de motifs approchée et application à la recherche de cibles de microARN, univ. Lille 1, 2016/05/18, H. Touzet, V. Castric, M. Salson.

  • PhD : Y. Dufresne, Algorithmes pour l'annotation automatique de peptides non-ribosomiques, univ. Lille 1, 2016/12/01, M. Pupin, L. Noé.

  • PhD in progress: P. Pericard, Methods for taxonomic assignation in metagenomics, 2013/11/01, H. Touzet, S. Blanquart.

  • PhD in progress: T. Rocher, Indexing VDJ recombinations in lymphocytes for leukemia follow-up, 2014/11/01, M. Giraud, M. Salson.

  • PhD in progress: C. Saad, Caractérisation des erreurs de séquençage non aléatoires, application aux mosaïques et tumeurs hétérogènes, 2014/10/01, M.-P. Buisine, H. Touzet, J. Leclerc, L. Noé, M. Figeac.

  • PhD in progress: L. Siegwald, Bionformatic analysis of Ion Torrent metagenomic data, 2014/01/03, H. Touzet, Y. Lemoine (Institut Pasteur de Lille).

  • PhD in progress: P. Marijon, Graph assembly analysis for third generation sequencing data, 2016/10/01, J.-S. Varré, R. Chikhi (Institut Pasteur de Lille).


  • Member of the HDR committee of Laurent Mouchard (Univ. Rouen, J.-S. Varré).

  • Member of the PhD committee of Qassin Esmael (Univ. Lille 1, M. Pupin, V. Leclère).

  • Member of the PhD committee of Souhir Sabri (Univ Montpellier, V. Leclère).

  • Member of the PhD committee of Wahiba Chaara (Univ. Paris 6, M. Giraud).

  • Member of the PhD committee of Leandro Ishi (Univ. Lyon, R. Chikhi).

  • Member of the PhD committee of Jerome Audoux (Univ. Montpellier, R. Chikhi, M. Salson).

  • Member of the PhD jury of Clara Benoit (Univ. Lyon, R. Chikhi).

  • Member of the HDR jury of Morgane Thomas-Chollier (IBENS, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, H. Touzet).

  • Member of the HDR jury of Annie Chateau (LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, H. Touzet).

  • Member of the HDR jury of Pierre Peterlongo (Inria Rennes, H. Touzet).

  • Member of the HDR jury of Séverine Bérard (ISEM, Université de Montpellier, H. Touzet).

  • Member of the PhD jury of Thomas Hume (LaBRI, Université Bordeaux 1, H. Touzet).

  • Member of the PhD jury of Aymeric Antoine-Lorquin (IRISA, Université de Rennes 1, H. Touzet).

  • Member of the hiring committee MdC of Univ. Nancy (M. Pupin).

  • Member of the hiring committee MdC of Univ Lille 1 (V. Leclère).

  • Member of the hiring committee professor of Univ. Rouen (H. Touzet).

  • Member of the hiring committee Research Engineer of Univ. Paris-Diderot (M. Pupin).

  • Member of the hiring committee of research engineer of Univ Lille 1 (V. Leclère).