Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Christine Azevedo, Ethics consideration in bioengineering research, 3h, M1, Master STIC SANTÉ, Montpellier University, France
Master: Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Neuroprotheses I and II (module coordinator), EMG and EEG signal processing and other rehabilitation modeling issues, 12h, Master STIC pour la Sante, Univ. de Montpellier, France;
Master: Karen Godary-Dejean, computer engineering: embedded network, real time, DES (Discrete event system) modeling and control, dependability, formal validation, 230h, Polytech Montpellier.
Master: David Guiraud, FES and Neuroprosthesis, M2 SMH, 12h, M1 and M2 Stic Santé 6h
Master : D. Andreu, Software engineering, real time OS, discrete event systems, control architectures, networks, neuro-prosthesis, 200h, master and engineers degrees, Polytech Montpellier, France;
The team is leading 2 modules in Master Stic-Santé in Montpellier: Neuroprosthesis I (HMSN216) and II and (HMESN321). The objective is to initiate students to techniques used for the design of neuroprotheses in order to compensate for sensory motor deficiencies. This course aims at: investigating uses and needs for basic medical systems, as well as active and implantable ones and teaching of theoretical tools required for theirs understanding, settings and their conception (command, signal processing of physiological and physical signals, physical interfacing between living and artificial systems, bases in neurophysiology). Students will have to learn the following skills: electro- and neurophysiology bases required to understand active medical implantable systems, bases in signal processing, bases in embedded informatics and electronics, knowledge about sensory-motor functions and their deficiencies, bases on simulations and closed loop control for living and artificial systems.
PhD defended on December 14th 2016 : Wafa Tigra, Assistance à la préhension par stimulation électrique fonctionnelle chez le patient tétraplégique, 01/10/2013, Christine Azevedo Coste, David Guiraud,
PhD defended on December 9th 2016 : Thomas Guiho, Évaluation de l'efficience de la stimulation électrique médullaire en vue de la restauration des fonctions urinaires et intestinales chez le patient lésé médullaire, 01/10/2013, David Guiraud, Christine Azevedo Coste
PhD in progress : Antony Boyer, Neuroplasticité et récupération dans les structures corticales et sous corticales distantes suite à une chirurgie éveillée des gliomes infiltrants de bas grades, 01/09/2016, François Bonnetblanc and Sofiane Ramdani.
PhD in progress : Marion Vincent, Mesures des potentiels évoqués par la stimulation électrique directe lors de la chirurgie éveillée des gliomes infiltrants de bas grades vers une compréhension des effets électrophysiologiques, 01/12/2013, François Bonnetblanc, David Guiraud and Hugues Duffau.
PhD in progress : Maxence Blond, Commande et modélisation d'un véhicule sous-marin, 18/01/2016, Daniel Simon, Vincent Creuze (LIRMM) and Ahmed Chemori (LIRMM).
PhD in progress : Ibrahim Merzoug, Validation formelle pour les systèmes embarqués critiques, Since Oct. 2014, K. Godary-Dejean and D. Andreu.
PhD in progress : Mélissa Dali, modèles de génération et de propagation de potentiel d'action neurla en condition de stimulation sélective multipolaire, since october 2014, David Guiraud and Olivier Rossel (up to july 2016).
PhD in progress : Benoît Sijobert, Stimulation électro-fonctionnelle pour l’assistance aux mouvements des membres inférieurs dans les situations de déficiences sensori-motrices, Since Dec. 2015, Christine Azevedo Coste and D. Andreu.
PhD in progress: Victor VAGNE, "Couplage de la Spectroscopie en proche infrarouge et de la stimulation Transcrânienne (NIRS-tDCS) à courant continu dans l'Evaluation diagnostique de l'ischémie cérébrale lors d’un AVC", Oct. 2016, M. Hayashibe, D. Guiraud, Vincent Costalat (CHU Montpellier) and Emmanuelle Le Bars (CHU Montpellier)
Daniel Simon was reviewer and member of the PhD jury of Wael Zouaoui (LAAS Toulouse, january 15, 2016).
Karen Godary-Dejean was member of the PhD jury of Louis Marie Givel,École Centrale de Nantes, december 16, 2016.
David Guiraud was reviewer of 2 PhD thesis at UTC and Univ. Of Toulon.
David Guiraud was member of the selection committee, CNU61, for an assistant professor position at the university of Nantes.
Christine Azevedo was member of the selection committee, Inria, Young graduate scientist ("CR2") in Paris.
David Andreu was reviewer and member of the PhD jury of Nicolas Gobillot, INPT Toulouse, april 29, 2016, and member of the PhD jury of Lotfi Jaiem, University of Montpellier, november 21, 2016.