Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Christine Azevedo Coste was general chair of IFESS conference.
M. Hayashibe is Co-Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Human Movement Understanding at Robotics and Automation Society with E. Demircan (Univ. of Tokyo), D. Kulic (Univ. of Waterloo) and D. Oetomo (Univ. of Melbourne).
Member of the Organizing Committees
François Bonnetblanc, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe were membres of the IFESS organizing committee;
We organized the third European Computational Motor Control Summer School, June 26- July 2, 2016, Montpellier (Nicolas Schweighofer, Denis Mottet, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe) and Mitsuhiro Hayashibe organized Hands-on seminar for Friday July 1st. Motor Synergies. (AM : Andrea D'Avella, PM: Mitsuhiro Hayashibe)
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
David Guiraud was associate editor of Theme 6 (rehabilitation Engineering) at IEEE EMBC conference
François Bonnetblanc was member of the IFESS program committee
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was member of the IFESS program committee
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was Associate Editor of IEEE ICRA'17 (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) in charge of handling reviews on 6 papers in Nov.2016.
Christine Azevedo was reviewer for IFESS and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference conferences
François Bonnetblanc was reviewer for the IFESS and IEEE EMBC conferences;
Daniel Simon was reviewer for the ETFA, ICINCO and MED conferences;
Member of the Editorial Boards
M. Hayashibe is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, in Rehabilitation Robotics. David Guiraud is member of the editorial board of Journal of Neural Engineering (JNE) M. Hayashibe is member of the Editorial Board of ROBOMECH Journal.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
François Bonnetblanc was reviewer for Cerebral Cortex, Neuropsychologia, and for the Journal of Neurophysiology;
David Guiraud was reviewer for IEEE TNSRE, IEEE TBME, JNE, MEP, IEEE TBIOCAS, JNER, IEEE TCSC, journals
Christine Azevedo was reviewer for Gait and Posture, IEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO), Artificial Organs, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) and IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE) Journals
Invited Talks
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe gave 2 talks on "Personalized Neuroprosthetics" and " Synergetic Learning Control" for LSRO and BIOROB labs, EPFL respectively at October 2016 (Lausanne, Switzerland).
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe gave a talk on "Synergetic Learning Control Paradigm - Computational Motor Control Principle" at Workshop Human Motor Control and Learning (EUROMOV, Montpellier) on November 21th 2016. In this workshop, Prof. Mark L. Latash (Pennsylvania State University, USA) and Dr. Yen-Hsun Wu were also invited.
Christine Azevedo gave a talk on "Neuroprosthetics in functional assistance: from observation to artificial control of movement" at EUROMOV, Montpellier on November 10th 2016.
Christine Azevedo gave a lecture at the International Symposieum on Electrical Stimulation Applied to Assistive technologies at Brasilia University in May 2016
Christine Azevedo gave a lecture at Genoploys center in June 16th ithin RUREKA cycle of conferences
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Christine Azevedo Coste is member of the board of International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society.
Scientific Expertise
Karen Godary-Dejean is member of COSTI «Acquisition de données traitement et visualisation de données numériques – Mécatronique » at Transfert LR, and member of the tranfer commission at LIRMM.
Research Administration
Christine Azevedo Coste is member of Inria Evaluation Committee.
She is involved in the working group for DEFROST and CHROMA Inria teams creation.
David Guiraud is involved in the working group for BIOVISION Inria team creation.