Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
JOBIM (2016): French conference of Bioinformatics [A. Siegel]
BBCC (2015): Bioinformatica e Biologia Computazionale in Campania [O. Dameron]
IC 2016 Atelier IA et santé, Symposium sur l'Ingénierie des Connaissances [O. Dameron]
JFO 2016: Journées Francophones sur les ontologies [O. Dameron]
SASB 2016: The six international workshop on static analysis and system biology [N.Théret]
ICGI 2016: The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference [F. Coste]
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Journal of Mathematical Biology. Bioinformatics. Theorie des Sciences Informatiques. [A. Siegel]
Briefings in Bioinformatics, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Journal of Biomedical Semantics. [O. Dameron]
Molecular Cancer, Oncotarget,Hepatology, Int J cancer, Bioinformatics and Biology Insight, Chembioint, Cell death and Disease, Plos One [N. Théret]
IEEE BIBM 2016: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine [F. Coste]
Invited Talks
M. Aite User-control metabolic network reconstruction within flexible workflows with the PADMet Toolbox, INRA Food Working Group annual assembly, Paris (Jul. 2016)
F. Coste Grammatical inference of protein languages, Seminar of Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Polland (May 2016)
F. Coste Partial multiple sequence alignments to model protein families, Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics Group, Utrecht Univ., Netherland (Sep. 1016)
F. Coste Modelling protein families with Protomata-Learner, University of Chile (Nov. 2016)
C. Trottier The PADMET-Toolbox and AuReMe workflow: application to the genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction of algae, IDEALG project Annual General Meeting, Lorient (Nov. 2016)
C. Frioux Metabolic network gap-filling: parsimonious combinatorial methods to approach biological reality, INRA Food Working Group annual assembly, Paris (Jul. 2016)
C. Frioux Answer Set Programming for bioinformatics and metabolic networks, University of Potsdam Knowledge Processing and Information System group weekly seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Oct. 2016)
A. Siegel Cancer biology in the Dyliss Group, Inria (Mar. 2016)
A. Siegel Identification of logical models for signaling pathways: towards a systems biology loop, EMCTS, Nottingham, UK (Jul. 2016) [39]
A. Siegel An introduction to metabolic networks modelling, INRA (Oct. 2016)
A. Siegel A prospective about the construction of bioId chip based on multi-scale integrative methods, University of Chile (Nov. 2016)
A. Siegel Combinatorial problems related to the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networks, University of Lille, Workshop of the BIOSS working group on metabolism (Nov. 2016)
N.Théret Computational modeling to identify biomarkers and targets, DHU2020, Fibrosis and remodelling: from common pathways to personalized targets, Autumn School (Oct. 2016)
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Grammatical Inference [F. Coste].
The team was involved in the foundation of a national working group on the symbolic study of dynamical systems named bioss [web access]. The group gathers more 100 scientists, from computer science to biology. Three meetings were organized this year. The group is supported by two French National Research Networks: bioinformatics (GDR BIM : bioinformatique moléculaire) and informatics-mathematics (GDR IM : Informatique Mathématique). It gathered twice in 2016: for a general meeting in Lyon (Jul. 2016) and for a workshop focused on computational and methological insights about metabolic network in Lille (Nov. 2016) [A. Siegel]
Scientific Expertise
Scientific Advisory Board of GDR BIM " Molecular Bioinformatics" [J. Nicolas].
Member of the Operational Legal and Ethical Risk Assessment Committee (COERLE) at Inria [J. Nicolas].
Recruitment committees: Professor (UMPC, Paris) [A. Siegel, N Théret], Associate professor (Nancy) [O. Dameron), Engineer (INRA) [A. Siegel], Inria senior researcher (National committee) [A. Siegel].
Scientific Advisory Board of Biogenouest [J. Bourdon, N Théret].
Member of SCAS (Service Commun d'Action Sociale) of Univ. Rennes 1 [C. Belleannée].
Member of CUMIR (Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques, Inria Rennes) [F. Coste].
Expertise for Ligue Contre le Cancer, InterRégion Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne-Drome-Saone et Loire [N. Théret]
Member of the board of directors of the French Society for biology of the extracellular matrix [N. Théret]