Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • JOBIM (2016): French conference of Bioinformatics [A. Siegel]

  • BBCC (2015): Bioinformatica e Biologia Computazionale in Campania [O. Dameron]

  • IC 2016 Atelier IA et santé, Symposium sur l'Ingénierie des Connaissances [O. Dameron]

  • JFO 2016: Journées Francophones sur les ontologies [O. Dameron]

  • SASB 2016: The six international workshop on static analysis and system biology [N.Théret]

  • ICGI 2016: The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference [F. Coste]

  • ISMB 2016, Biotechno 2016 [A. Siegel]


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Academic editor: Plos One [J. Bourdon]

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Journal of Mathematical Biology. Bioinformatics. Theorie des Sciences Informatiques. [A. Siegel]

  • Briefings in Bioinformatics, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Journal of Biomedical Semantics. [O. Dameron]

  • Molecular Cancer, Oncotarget,Hepatology, Int J cancer, Bioinformatics and Biology Insight, Chembioint, Cell death and Disease, Plos One [N. Théret]

  • IEEE BIBM 2016: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine [F. Coste]

Invited Talks

  • M. Aite User-control metabolic network reconstruction within flexible workflows with the PADMet Toolbox, INRA Food Working Group annual assembly, Paris (Jul. 2016)

  • F. Coste Grammatical inference of protein languages, Seminar of Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Polland (May 2016)

  • F. Coste Partial multiple sequence alignments to model protein families, Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics Group, Utrecht Univ., Netherland (Sep. 1016)

  • F. Coste Modelling protein families with Protomata-Learner, University of Chile (Nov. 2016)

  • C. Trottier The PADMET-Toolbox and AuReMe workflow: application to the genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction of algae, IDEALG project Annual General Meeting, Lorient (Nov. 2016)

  • C. Frioux Metabolic network gap-filling: parsimonious combinatorial methods to approach biological reality, INRA Food Working Group annual assembly, Paris (Jul. 2016)

  • C. Frioux Answer Set Programming for bioinformatics and metabolic networks, University of Potsdam Knowledge Processing and Information System group weekly seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Oct. 2016)

  • A. Siegel Cancer biology in the Dyliss Group, Inria (Mar. 2016)

  • A. Siegel Identification of logical models for signaling pathways: towards a systems biology loop, EMCTS, Nottingham, UK (Jul. 2016) [39]

  • A. Siegel An introduction to metabolic networks modelling, INRA (Oct. 2016)

  • A. Siegel A prospective about the construction of bioId chip based on multi-scale integrative methods, University of Chile (Nov. 2016)

  • A. Siegel Combinatorial problems related to the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networks, University of Lille, Workshop of the BIOSS working group on metabolism (Nov. 2016)

  • N.Théret Computational modeling to identify biomarkers and targets, DHU2020, Fibrosis and remodelling: from common pathways to personalized targets, Autumn School (Oct. 2016)

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Grammatical Inference [F. Coste].

  • The team was involved in the foundation of a national working group on the symbolic study of dynamical systems named bioss [web access]. The group gathers more 100 scientists, from computer science to biology. Three meetings were organized this year. The group is supported by two French National Research Networks: bioinformatics (GDR BIM : bioinformatique moléculaire) and informatics-mathematics (GDR IM : Informatique Mathématique). It gathered twice in 2016: for a general meeting in Lyon (Jul. 2016) and for a workshop focused on computational and methological insights about metabolic network in Lille (Nov. 2016) [A. Siegel]

Scientific Expertise

  • Member (nominated) CNU section 65 [O. Dameron]

  • Scientific Advisory Board of GDR BIM " Molecular Bioinformatics" [J. Nicolas].

  • Inria National evaluation board [A. Siegel]

  • Member of the Operational Legal and Ethical Risk Assessment Committee (COERLE) at Inria [J. Nicolas].

  • Recruitment committees: Professor (UMPC, Paris) [A. Siegel, N Théret], Associate professor (Nancy) [O. Dameron), Engineer (INRA) [A. Siegel], Inria senior researcher (National committee) [A. Siegel].

  • Member of the IRISA laboratory council [F. Coste].

  • Member of the Inria Rennes center council [A. Siegel].

  • Scientific Advisory Board of Biogenouest [J. Bourdon, N Théret].

  • Member of SCAS (Service Commun d'Action Sociale) of Univ. Rennes 1 [C. Belleannée].

  • Member of CUMIR (Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques, Inria Rennes) [F. Coste].

  • Expertise for Prix Victor et Erminia MESCLE [N. Théret]

  • Expertise for Ligue Contre le Cancer, InterRégion Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne-Drome-Saone et Loire [N. Théret]

  • Member of the board of directors of the French Society for biology of the extracellular matrix [N. Théret]