Section: Dissemination


  • Organization of Sciences en Cour[t]s. Since 2007, Sciences en Cour[t]s is a project of Nicomaque organization, the association of PhD and PhD students of Brittany. It is a popularization Festival where PhD students explain their thesis via short films of 5min. The goal is to present their scientific researches to the general public. Every year, PhD students of Inria/IRISA join the organization or make movies.[J. Coquet (coordinator of the festival), V. Delannée (president of Nicomaque), A. Antoine-Lorquin (organizer of the festival)] [more info].

  • Production of Sciences en Cour[t]s film. "Une petite histoire de symbiose(s)" .[C. Frioux] [more info].

  • Bioinfo-fr.net Bioinfo-fr.net is a french web site where researchers, engineers and students talks about bioinformatics. We have written or contributed to 3 articles for this web site on diverse subjects: "Remise des diplômes du master BIG (Rennes)", "Les dev' jam c'est bon pour vous !", "Ecrire son parseur à  la main: chroniques d'une mauvaise bonne idée". [L Bourneuf, O. Dameron]. [more info].