Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Prof. Steven Glaser (UC Berkeley) and Thomas Watteyne recipients of the France-Berkeley Fund award for the project “SHRIMP: Smart Harbor Implementation”, August 2016.
Keoma Brun-Laguna and Thomas Watteyne, together with Ana Laura Diedrichs, Javier Emilio Chaar, Diego Dujovne, Juan Carlos Taffernaberry, Gustavo Mercado. Runner up IEEE SECON 2016 Best Demo Award with “A Demo of the PEACH IoT-based Frost Event Prediction System for Precision Agriculture”, London, UK, 28 June 2016.
Remy Leone and Thomas Watteyne. Recipient Google IoT Technology Research Award on “6TiSCH and WiFi coexistence with OpenWSN”, March 2016.
Tengfei Chang and Thomas Watteyne, together with Pedro Henrique Gomes, Pradipta Gosh, Bhaskar Krishnamachari. EWSN dependability competition 4th place with project “Reliability through Time-Slotted Channel Hopping and Flooding-based Routing”, 16 February 2016.
Meeting & Seminars
Organization of Workshops and Conferences
PEMWN 2016 international conference on Performance Evaluation and modeling in Wired and wireless Networks, co-chaired by Leila Saidane and Pascale Minet and Farouk Kamoun , held in Paris, France, November 2016. Pascale Minet was general co-chair with Leila Saidane from ENSI (Tunisia) of the PEMWN 2016 conference, the 5th IFIP international conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Wired and Wireless Networks, technically co-sponsored by IFIP WG6.2 and IEEE ComSoc (see This conference was held at CNAM in Paris, 22-24 November 2016. It was sponsored by Inria, CNAM and ENSI. The organization co-chairs were Samia Bouzefrane and Selma Boumerdassi. Three tutorials were given:
Internet of Vehicles: From Intelligent Grid to Autonomous Cars and Vehicular Clouds by Mario Gerla, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles.
5G: Can we make it by 2020? by Merouane Debbah, Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei, France.
Internet of Things, hyper-massive wireless networks, where are the theoretical limits? by Philippe Jacquet, NOKIA, France.
Sixteen papers have been selected by the technical program committee and presented during the three days of the PEMWN 2016 conference.
InterIoT 2016 The 2nd EAI International Conference on Interoperability in IoT was co-organized by Nathalie Mitton, Thomas Noël (general co-chairs) and Thomas Watteyne (TPC chair). It took place 26-27 October 2016 in Paris, France.
Standards for the Industrial IoT: a Hands-on Tutorial with OpenWSN and OpenMote. Xavier Vilajosana, Pere Tuset-Peiro, Tengfei Chang, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, 4-8 September 2016.
Introduction to the IETF 6TiSCH stack with OpenWSN & OpenMote. Thomas Watteyne, Xavier Vilajosana, Pere Tuset-Peiro, Tengfei Chang. International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-18 May 2016.
Standardization Activities
Standardization meeting co-chaired by Inria-EVA
6TiSCH working group meeting at IETF 97, 17 November 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
Standardization meeting co-chaired by Inria-EVA
6TiSCH working group meeting at IETF 96, 18 July 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Standardization meeting co-chaired by Inria-EVA
6TiSCH working group meeting at IETF 95, 4 April 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Real-World Deployments
The networking technology developed at Inria-EVA has reached the level of maturity for it to be used in real-world deployment. We have worked on 3 main sets of deployments in 2016:
Save the Peaches (, a 23-node network in Western Argentina which monitors temperature and humidity to be predict frost events in peach orchards.
SnowHow (, a set of 18 low-power wireless networks (945 sensors total) deployed throughout the Californian Sierra Nevada to monitor the snowpack.
(current work) A Smart Building deployment in the Inria-Paris research center.
From a networking point of view, these deployments SolSystem (see Section 6.8) as a back-end solution. Sensor data and network statistics are available at our Inria-Paris servers ( seconds after they were measured in the field.
Distinguished Visitors
Invited Professor Mario Gerla, from UCLA, USA. He stayed in the EVA team during 2 1-week stays (31 August-23 September, 10-20 December) to work with the EVA team on shock-wave mitigation using vehicular ad hoc networks.
Invited Professor Leila Saidane, from ENSI, Tunisia. She stayed in the EVA team from 28 November to 2 December 2016 to prepare common publications and identify further research directions.
Invited Professor Diego Dujovne, from Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. He stayed in the EVA team for a 1-week visit (22-31 July 2016) to integrate sensors in the low-power wireless platforms, to be deployed in Argantina as part of the PEACH project.
Invited Professor Steven Glaser, from UC Berkeley, USA. He stayed in the EVA team for a 1-week visit (21-25 June 2016) to explore funding opportunities beyond the REALMS associate team.
Invited Professor Branko Kerkez, from U. Michigan, USA. He stayed in the EVA team for a 1-week visit (17-22 June 2016) to work on the Internet of Water (2 papers submitted). This visit was part of the REALMS associate team.