Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence :

    • D. Augot was mentoring a group of polytechnique students on a L3 projet on homomorphic encryption and voting (6 students)

    • D. Augot was mentoring a group of polytechnique students on a L3 projet on blockchains and hyperledger, in collaboration with Orange (5 students)

    • F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Mathématiques discrètes pour la protection de l'information”, 24h (equiv TD), 2nd year (L3), ENSTA ParisTech, France.

    • J. Lavauzelle, 1I002, “Introduction à la programmation en C”, tutorial class (38.5h), L1, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

    • J. Lavauzelle, 2I011, “Méthodes numériques”, tutorial class (21h), L2, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

    • J. Lavauzelle, 1I001, “Éléments de programmation”, tutorial class (38.5h), L1, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

    • J. Lavauzelle, 2I003, “Initiation à l'algorithmique”, tutorial class (21.25h), L2, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

    • A. Couvreur and E. Barelli, INF311, ”Introduction à l'informatique“, 26.7h(equiv TD), 1st year, Ecole Polytechnique, France.

    • E. Barelli, INF411, "Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique", 21.3h (equiv TD), 2nd year (L3), Ecole Polytechnique, France.

    • B. Smith, INF442, "Traitement des données massives", 32h TD, 2nd year, École polytechnique

    • A. Couvreur and B. Smith, INF411, "Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique", 32h TD, 2nd year, École polytechnique

  • Master :

    • D. Augot was mentoring François Bonnal, on a M1 research training projet, “bitcoin malleability”

    • D. Augot was mentoring Édouard Dufour-Sans, on a M1 research training projet, “symmetric information theoretically secure private information retrieval schemes and applications”

    • F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Cours de Cryptographie”, 30h. (equiv TD), 3rd year (M1), ENSTA ParisTech, France.

    • B. Smith, “Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie”, 15h, MPRI (M2), Paris

    • A. Couvreur, INF558a, “Introduction to cryptology”, 25h, Ecole Polytechnique (M1).

    • A. Couvreur, “Introduction to coding theory and cryptology”, 10h, MPRI (M2), Paris.

    • B. Smith supervised Nagarjun Chinthamani Dwarakanath for a 3A project and an M1 project on efficient curve-based cryptosystems at École polytechnique

    • A. Couvreur supervised Evrim Petek's M2 internship on the power decoding algorithm.

    • A. Couvreur supervised Anas Aarab's M1 TRE (Travail de Recherche Encadré) on the decoding of Reed Solomon codes.

  • Doctorat :


  • PhD in progress. J. Lavauzelle has began his Ph.D. on locally decodable codes and cryptogra[hic applications, on October 1st, 2015, under the supervision of D. Augot and F. Levy-dit-Vehel.

  • PhD in progress. E. Barelli has begun his PhD on Algebraic-Geometry codes for code-based crypto on October 1st, 2015, under the supervision of D. Augot and A. Couvreur.

  • PhD in progress. N. Duhamel has begun his PhD on genus 2 curves for cryptography, under the supervision of B. Smith and F. Morain.

  • Completed PhD. P. Karpman, starting in 2013, defended in November 2016 his PhD on security of symmetric crytographic primitives.


  • D. Augot was examiner in the jury of Fanny Jardel, who defended her thesis “Calcul et Stockage Distribués pour les Réseaux de Communication”, January 11, Télécom-ParisTech

  • D. Augot was examiner in the jury of Cécile Pierrot, who defended her thesis “Le logarithme discret dans les corps finis”, November 25, Pierre and Marie Curie University.

  • F. Morain was referee and examiner in the jury of Alexandre WALLET, who defended his thesis “Le problème de décomposition de points dans les variétés jacobiennes”, December 14, Pierre and Marie Curie University.

  • A. Couvreur is member of the jury of the agrégation de mathématiques and coordinator of option C (“algèbre et calcul formel).