Section: New Results
Cryptanalysis of code based cryptosystems by filtration attacks
The McEliece encryption scheme based on binary Goppa codes was one of the first public-key encryption schemes [31]. Its security rests on the difficulty of decoding an arbitrary code. The original proposal uses classical Goppa codes, and while it still remains unbroken, it requires a huge size of key. On the other hand, many derivative systems based on other families of algebraic codes have been subject to key recovery attacks. Up to now, key recovery attacks were based either on a variant of Sidelnikov and Shestakov's attack [32], where the first step involves the computation of minimum-weight codewords, or on the resolution of a system of polynomial equations using Gröbner bases.
In [26], A. Couvreur, P. Gaborit, V. Gauthier, A. Otmani and J.-P. Tillich introduced a new paradigm of attack called filtration attacks. The general principle decomposes in two steps:
Distinguishing the public code from a random one using the square code operation.
Computing a filtration of the public code using the distinguisher, and deriving from this filtration an efficient decoding algorithm for the public code.
This new style of attack allowed A. Couvreur, A. Otmani and J.-P. Tillich to break (in polynomial time) McEliece based on wild Goppa codes over quadratic extensions [3]. A detailed long version has been written and recently published [9]. A. Couvreur, Irene Márquez–Corbella, and R. Pellikaan broke McEliece based on algebraic geometry codes from curves of arbitrary genus [2], [27] by reconstructing optimal polynomial time decoding algorithms decoding up to the half minimum distance minus half the genus. This can be computed from the raw data of a generator matrix. In a recently submitted long version [21] the algorithm has been improved and permits to reconstruct a decoding algorithm up to the half minimum distance.