Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries

Anatole Lécuyer:

  • Master MNRV: "Haptic Interaction", 9h, M2, ENSAM, Laval, FR

  • Ecole Centrale de Nantes : “Haptic Interaction and Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 4.5h, M1-M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Master SIBM: "Haptic and Brain-Computer Interfaces", 4.5h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

Bruno Arnaldi:

  • Master INSA Rennes: "VAR: Virtual and Augmented Reality", 12h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Virtual Reality", courses 6h, projects 16h, M1 and M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: Projects on "Virtual Reality", 20h, M1, INSA Rennes, FR

Ferran Argelaguet:

  • Master STS Informatique MITIC: "Techniques d'Interaction Avancées", 26h, M2, ISTIC, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Modeling and Engineering for Biology and Health Applications", 12h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

Maud Marchal:

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Modeling and Engineering for Biology and Health Applications", 48h, M2 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master SIBM: "Biomedical simulation", 3h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

Valérie Gouranton:

  • Licence: "Introduction to Virtual Reality", 22h, L2 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Licence: Project on "Virtual Reality", 16h, L3 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Virtual Reality", 16h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: Projects on "Virtual Reality", 20h, M1, INSA Rennes, FR

Florian Nouviale:

  • Ecole Centrale de Nantes: "Training on Unity3D", 6h, M1/M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

Ronan Gaugne:

  • Insa Rennes: Projects on "Virtual Reality", 50h, L3/M1/M2, Insa Rennes, FR


PhD (defended)
  • Guillaume Claude, "The sequencing of actions in collaborative virtual environments", INSA Rennes, July 2016, Supervised by Bruno Arnaldi, Valérie Gouranton

  • François Lehericey, "Détection de collision par lancer de rayon : la quête de la performance", INSA Rennes, September 2016, Supervised by Bruno Arnaldi, Valérie Gouranton

  • Jérémy Lacoche, "Plasticity for User Interfaces in Mixed Reality", Université Rennes 1, July 2016, Supervised by Thierry Duval, Bruno Arnaldi, Jérôme Royan, Eric Maisel

  • Morgan Le Chénéchal, "Awareness Model for Asymmetric Remote Collaboration in Mixed Reality", INSA Rennes, July 2016, Supervised by Bruno Arnaldi, Thierry Duval, Valérie Gouranton, Jérôme Royan

  • Lucas Royer, "Visualization tools for needle insertion in interventional radiology", INSA Rennes, December 6th, 2016, Supervised by Alexandre Krupa and Maud aud Marchal

  • Andéol Evain, "Optimizing the Use of SSVEP-based Brain-Computer Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction", University of Rennes 1, December 6th, 2016, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Nicolas Roussel, Géry Casiez and Ferran Argelaguet

PhD (in progress)
  • Jean-Baptiste Barreau, "Virtual Reality and Archaelogy", Started in February 2014, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Benoit Le Gouis, "Multi-scale physical simulation", Started in October 2014, Supervised by Bruno Arnaldi, Maud Marchal and Anatole Lécuyer

  • Lorraine Perronet, "Neurofeedback applications based on EEG, fMRI and VR", Started in January 2014, Supervised by Christian Barillot and Anatole Lécuyer

  • Gwendal Le Moulec, "Automatic generation of VR applications", Started in October 2015, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Bruno Arnaldi and Arnaud Blouin

  • Anne-Solène Dris-Kerdreux, "Training in virtual reality for construction applications", Started in November 2015, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Antoine Costes, "Haptic texturing", Started in November 2015, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer and Ferran Argelaguet

  • Guillaume Cortes, "Improving tracking in VR", Started in November 2015, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer

  • Hakim Si-Mohammed, "BCI and HCI", Started in October 2016, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer and Ferran Argelaguet

  • Gautier Picard, "Collaborative VR", Started in October 2016, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Bernard Gibaud and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Hadrien Gurnel, "Prise en compte de la déformation d’organe pour l’assistance robotisée d’insertion d’aiguille", Started in October 2016, Supervised by Alexander Krupa and Maud Marchal


Selection committees
  • Bruno Arnaldi was Member of Selection committee of Assistant Professor Position at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.

PhD and HDR juries
  • Anatole Lécuyer was Member of PhD committees of Henrique Debarba (EPFL, Switzerland), Axelle Pillain (Telecom Bretagne), Maxence Rangé (Univ. Rennes 1), Jérémie Plouzeau (ENSAM Chalon), Andéol Evain (Univ. Rennes 1), and Member of HDR committee of Reinhold Scherer (TU Graz, Austria).

  • Bruno Arnaldi was President of PhD committees of Kévin Jordao (INSA de Rennes), Hui-Yin Wu (Univ. Rennes 1), Charlotte Hoareau (Enib Brest), Sabhi Ahmed (Paris 8), Guillaume Claude (INSA Rennes), Morgan Le Chénéchal (INSA Rennes) and François Lehericey (INSA Rennes), Jérémy Lacoche (Univ. Rennes 1)

  • Valérie Gouranton was Member of PhD committees of Guillaume Claude (INSA Rennes), Morgan Le Chénéchal (INSA Rennes) and François Lehericey (INSA Rennes)

  • Maud Marchal was Reviewer of PhD theses of Johan Sarrazin (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Pierre-Luc Manteaux (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) and Camille Schreck (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), and Member of PhD committee of Lucas Royer (INSA Rennes).

  • Ferran Arguelaguet was Member of PhD committee of Andéol Evain (Univ. Rennes 1).