Section: Dissemination


The team has organized, together with MimeTIC team, a press conference and a press release on the "6-Finger Illusion" in May 2016. This event has been followed by lots of articles (internet, press) and radio coverages, including: France Inter, RFI, Europe 1, Le Monde, Libération, Les Echos, etc.

In addition, the results of the team have been disseminated in several other media coverages in 2016:

  • "Journal télévisé 20h" (National prime time news), France2 channel (02/16) : presentation of the BCI activity.

  • "Journal télévisé du soir", TVRennes channel (04/16) : presentation of the Forum Eurocities visit in Immersia.

  • "La tête au carré", France Inter radio (10/16) : participation of Anatole Lécuyer.

The team has also participated to numerous dissemination events in 2016 (chronological order):

  • "Open House ISTIC 2016" (Rennes, 01/16) : booth and demos of the team.

  • "Forum EuroCities" (Rennes, 04/16) : presentation from Ronan Gaugne and demos in Immersia.

  • "Les 10 ans du Quai Branly" (Paris, "Quai Branly" Museum, 06/16) : talk from Valérie Gouranton and Ronan Gaugne on virtual archaeology.

  • "French-American Doctorat Exchange program 2016" (Rennes, 07/16): presentation from Ferran Argelaguet on Hybrid activities.

  • "Journées du Patrimoine 2016" (Rennes, "Champs Libres" Museum, 09/16) : demos related to virtual archaelogy.

  • "Journées Science et Musique 2016" (Rennes, 10/16) : co-organization of this event, and presentation of several demos.

  • "Nuit Art et Science 2016" (Brest, 10/16) : demo on musical composition history in virtual reality and Immersia.

  • "NEUROPLANETE 2016" (Nice, 10/16) : talk from Anatole Lécuyer and dissemination in "Le Point" journal.

  • "Rencontres Inria Industrie: Interactions avec les objets et services numériques" (Lille, 11/16): demonstration from Ferran Argelaguet.