Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
Built to Specifications (Built2Spec)
Participants : Jean Dumoulin, Alexandre Nassiopoulos, Jordan Brouns.
Objectif: Reduce the gap between a building?s designed and as-built energy performance.
Coordinator: Manager and project head : NOBATEK, Germain Adell. For CERMA : Marjorie Musy
Abstract: Built to Specifications (Built2Spec) is a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project involving 20 European partners that seeks to reduce the gap between a building?s designed and as-built energy performance. To do this, the project will put a new set of breakthrough technological advances for self-inspection checks and quality assurance measures into the hands of construction professionals. This collection of smart tools will help building stakeholders at all levels in meeting EU energy efficiency targets, new build standards and related policy goals.
Built2Spec will deliver a new set of tools:
All connected to a Virtual Construction Management Platform supporting the collection and sharing of all project data, from initial design to the delivery. During the project, this platform will be integrated into the operations of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) contractors, large construction firms and end user clients directly within the consortium and work program activities, assuring systematic and scientific performance measures, feedback and powerful exploitation.
INFRASTAR (Innovation and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Structures – Training for Assessment of Risk)
Participant : Xavier Chapeleau.
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 (Horizon 2020 – Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks)
Objectif: Reduce the gap between a building?s designed and as-built energy performance.
Academic and industrial Partners: IFSTTAR, UNIVERSITY OF AALBORG, BAM, EPFL, GuD Consult Gmbh, COWI A/S, NeoStrain, PHIMECA
Abstract: The aim of INFRASTAR project is to develop tools combining modeling and measurements for the prediction of the fatigue behavior of concrete structures (bridges and foundations of wind turbines) with the ultimate objective of establishing an efficient strategy for inspection and reinforcement operations. In the second half of 2016, 12 young researchers were recruited to carry out and cross-examine research on monitoring and auscultation (WP 1), structural models (WP 2) and reliability of approaches for decision-making ( WP 3). In this project, a phd student (Antoine Bassil) was recruited (Nov. 2016) on the fatigue monitoring of concrete structure by fibre-optic sensors.
Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020
European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI)
Participants : Qinghua Zhang, Michael Doehler, Laurent Mevel.
The I4S project-team is involved in the activities of the European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI) federating major European research teams on system identification. Modeling of dynamical systems is fundamental in almost all disciplines of science and engineering, ranging from life science to process control. System identification concerns the construction, estimation and validation of mathematical models of dynamical physical or engineering phenomena from experimental data.
COST Action TU 1402
Participants : Michael Doehler, Laurent Mevel.
L. Mevel is member of the management committee of the COST Action.
M. Doehler is co-leader of working group 2 “SHM strategies and structural performance” and member of the steering committee.
Objectif: Quantifying the value of structural health monitoring
Partner: 23 countries, see
Abstract: This COST Action enhances the benefit of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) by novel utilization of applied decision analysis on how to assess the value of SHM - even before it is implemented. This improves decision basis for design, operation and life-cycle integrity management of structures and facilitates more cost efficient, reliable and safe strategies for maintaining and developing the built environment to the benefit of society. SHM is increasingly applied for collecting information on loads and aggressive environments acting on structures, structural performances, deterioration processes and changes in the use of structures. However, there is an urgent need to establish a better understanding of the value of SHM before its implementation, together with practically applicable methods and tools for its quantification. This Action thus aims to develop and describe a theoretical framework, together with methods, tools, guidelines, examples and educational activities, for the quantification of the value of SHM. The COST Action will be conducted with the support of the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS). The networks of researchers and industries established during COST Actions TU0601, C26, E55 and E24, the EU FP7 project IRIS, the Marie Curie Network SmartEn and the JCSS will ensure visibility, impact and dissemination.
Other European Programs
Participants : Michael Doehler, Laurent Mevel.
Together with SVS, we got the Danish Innobooster innovation grant “Robust Operational Modal Analysis using Modal Uncertainty Quantification” 2015-2016, for industrial research and transfer. The result of the development in this project is the transfer of our uncertainty quantification algorithm [19] to SVS' ARTeMIS software