Section: New Results

Complex Scenes

In order to render both efficiently and accurately ultra-detailed large scenes, this approach consists in developing representations and algorithms able to account compactly for the quantitative visual appearance of a regions of space projecting on screen at the size of a pixel.

Appearance pre-filtering

Participants : Guillaume Loubet, Fabrice Neyret.

We address the problem of constructing appearance-preserving level of details (LoDs) of complex 3D models such as trees and propose a hybrid method that combines the strength of mesh and volume representations. Our main idea is to separate macroscopic (i.e. larger than the target spatial resolution) and microscopic (sub-resolution) surfaces at each scale and to treat them differently, because meshes are very efficient at representing macroscopic surfaces while sub-resolution geometry benefit from volumetric approximations. We introduce a new algorithm based on mesh analysis that detects the macroscopic surfaces of a 3D model at a given resolution. We simplify these surfaces with edge collapses and provide a method for pre-filtering their BRDFs parameters. To approximate microscopic details, we use a heterogeneous microflake participating medium and provide a new artifact-free voxelization algorithm that preserves local occlusion. Thanks to our macroscopic surface analysis, our algorithm is fully automatic and can generate seamless LoDs at arbitrarily coarse resolutions for a wide range of 3D models. We validated our method on highly complex geometry and show that appearance is consistent across scales while memory usage and loading times are drasticall y reduced (see Figure 12). This work has been submitted to EG2017.

Figure 12. A weeping willow 3D model pre-filtered with our method. Our LoDs use meshes for representing macroscopic surfaces and a volumetric representation to approximate sub-resolution geometry. This approach allows for accurate preservation of the appearance of complex geometry acro ss scales while memory usage is drastic reduced. These images have been rendered with 256spp and a thin lense camera model in Mitsuba 