Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Organizing Committees
Antonio Mucherio, organiser of Distance Geometry Day 2016, Rennes, France, December 2016
Anne-Hélène Olivier, co-chair of Workshop VHCIE 2016, IEEE VR 2016, Greenville, United-States, October 2016
Marc Christie, steering committee of Motion in Games 2015 and 2016, co-chair of WICED 2016 (Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing)
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Marc Christie
ACM Motion in Games MIG 2016, San Francisco, United-States, October 2016
ACM Symposium on Computer Animation 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2016
Ludovic Hoyet
ACM Motion in Games MIG 2016, San Francisco, United-States, October 2016
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2016, Los Angeles, United-States, July 2016
International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2017, Porto, Portugal, February 2017
Richard Kulpa
International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2017, Porto, Portugal, February 2017
Franck Multon
ACM Motion in Games MIG 2016, San Francisco, United-States, October 2016
Computer Animation and Social Agents CASA 2016, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016
Anne-Hélène Olivier
Marc Christie
Ludovic Hoyet
Richard Kulpa
Franck Multon
Anne-Hélène Olivier
Charles Pontonnier
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Marc Christie
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, The Visual Computer, Computer Graphics Forum
Armel Crétual
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, British Medical Journal open, Clinical Biomechanics, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Ludovic Hoyet
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, Computer & Graphics, The Visual Computer Journal, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
Richard Kulpa
Antonio Mucherino
Franck Multon
Journal Applied Ergonomics, IEEE Transaction on Haptics, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Anne-Hélène Olivier
Charles Pontonnier
Applied Ergonomics, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, MDPI Computers, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ACM Computing surveys
Invited Talks
Ludovic Hoyet. Perception of Biological Human Motion for Plausible Character Animation. Invited speaker at Université Bretagne Sud, team Expression, Vannes, France, June 2016
Antonio Mucherino. Vertex Orders in Distance Geometry. Invited seminar at LIA, University of Avignon, France. Invited by R. Figueiredo. November 2016.
Scientific Expertise
Marc Christie, expert for CIR (credit impot recherche – three cases in 2016)
Georges Dumont, expert for Dutch Research Council VENI (Netherlands) project
Franck Multon, HCERES expert for UMR 7287 AMU/CNRS "Institut des Sciences du Mouvements" in Marseille en 2016-2017, ANR expert, member of the ANR CPDS 4 "Santé Bien-être" through the Allistene national Alliance to design the next ANR call for projects, expert for international NSRC (Canada), CRSNG (Canada) and Dutch Research Council VENI (Netherlands) projects
Charles Pontonnier, Member of the Normalization Work Group "Impact of exoskeletons on work conditions", groupe AFNOR.
Research Administration
Georges Dumont is president of the elected group at scientific council of École Normale Supérieure de Rennes, member of the scientific council of École Normale Supérieure de Rennes
Georges Dumont is scientific head of Immerstar platforms (Immersia + Immermove) jointly for Inria and Irisa Partners
Ludovic Hoyet participated in the local MESR PhD Grant Auditions 2016
Richard Kulpa is member of the University Rennes2 Research steering committee "commission recherche", and Academic Council "CAC"
Fabrice Lamarche is a member of the national council of universities (Conseil National des Universités - CNU) since november 2015
Antonio Mucherinon is the person in charge of International Relationships at ISTIC, and member of the "Commission Affaires Internationales" at Université Rennes 1
Franck Multon, member of the "Conseil Académique" and "Commission Recherche" of University Rennes2, head of Immermove platform in the Immerstar group, member of the D6 "Media and Interactions" department in IRISA, head of MimeTIC team