Publications of the year
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
1V. Fernández Abrevaya, S. Manandhar, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, S. Wuhrer.
A 3D+t Laplace operator for temporal mesh sequences, in: Computers and Graphics, August 2016, vol. 58, 11 p. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cag.2016.05.018 ] -
2F. Hétroy-Wheeler, E. Casella, D. Boltcheva.
Segmentation of tree seedling point clouds into elementary units, in: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016, vol. 37, no 13, pp. 2881-2907. [ DOI : 10.1080/01431161.2016.1190988 ] -
3P. Kamousi, S. Lazard, A. Maheshwari, S. Wuhrer.
Analysis of Farthest Point Sampling for Approximating Geodesics in a Graph, in: Computational Geometry, 2016, vol. 57, pp. 1-7. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.comgeo.2016.05.005 ] -
4G. Nader, K. Wang, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, F. Dupont.
Just Noticeable Distortion Profile for Flat-Shaded 3D Mesh Surfaces, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, November 2016, vol. 22, no 11, pp. 2423-2436. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVCG.2015.2507578 ] -
6L. Wang, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, E. Boyer.
A Hierarchical Approach for Regular Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations, in: Computer Graphics Forum, February 2016, no 1, 14 p. [ DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12716 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
7A. Bas, W. A. P. Smith, T. Bolkart, S. Wuhrer.
Fitting a 3D Morphable Model to Edges: A Comparison Between Hard and Soft Correspondences, in: ACCV Workshop on Facial Informatics, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2016. -
8T. Bolkart, S. Wuhrer.
A Robust Multilinear Model Learning Framework for 3D Faces, in: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, United States, June 2016. -
9A. Boukhayma, V. Tsiminaki, J.-S. Franco, E. Boyer.
Eigen Appearance Maps of Dynamic Shapes, in: ECCV 2016 - European Conference on Computer Vision, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2016. -
10A. Djelouah, J.-S. Franco, E. Boyer, P. Pérez, G. Drettakis.
Cotemporal Multi-View Video Segmentation, in: International Conference on 3D Vision, Stanford, United States, October 2016. -
11C.-H. Huang, B. Allain, J.-S. Franco, N. Navab, S. Ilic, E. Boyer.
Volumetric 3D Tracking by Detection, in: CVPR 2016 - IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas, United States, IEEE (editor), June 2016. -
12K. James, A. Hewer, I. Steiner, S. Wuhrer.
A real-time framework for visual feedback of articulatory data using statistical shape models, in: 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), San Francisco, United States, October 2016. -
13J. Pansiot, E. Boyer.
3D Imaging from Video and Planar Radiography, in: MICCAI 2016 - 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Athens, Greece, S. Ourselin, L. Joskowicz, M. R. Sabuncu, G. Unal, W. Wells (editors), LNCS, Springer, October 2016, vol. 9902, pp. 450-457. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-46726-9_52 ] -
14A. Shehu, J. Yang, J.-S. Franco, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, S. Wuhrer.
Computing temporal alignments of human motion sequences in wide clothing using geodesic patches, in: 3DV 2016 - International Conference on 3D Vision 2016, Stanford, United States, October 2016. -
15J. Yang, J.-S. Franco, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, S. Wuhrer.
Estimation of Human Body Shape in Motion with Wide Clothing, in: European Conference on Computer Vision 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2016.
Conferences without Proceedings
16E. Casella, P. Raumonen, R. Rombourg, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, H. McKay.
A comprehensive sensitivity analysis of forest tree mock-up reconstruction methods from phase-shift based tLiDAR point-cloud data, in: International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (FSPMA), Qingdao, China, Dr Xiujuan Wang, November 2016. -
17L. Wang, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, E. Boyer.
On Volumetric Shape Reconstruction from Implicit Forms, in: ECCV 2016 - European Conference on Computer Vision, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2016.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
18A. Brunton, A. Salazar, T. Bolkart, S. Wuhrer.
Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Data: A Review, in: Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 5th Edition, C. H. Chen (editor), March 2016. -
19F. Quaine, L. Reveret, S. Courtemanche, P. Kry.
Postural regulation and motion simulation in rock climbing, in: The science of climbing and mountaineering, L. Seifert, P. Wolf, A. Schweizer (editors), Routledge Research in Sport and exercise Science, Routledge, 2017, pp. 111-128.
Internal Reports
20B. Allain, L. Wang, J.-S. Franco, F. Hetroy-Wheeler, E. Boyer.
Shape Animation with Combined Captured and Simulated Dynamics, ArXiv, January 2016, no arXiv:1601.01232, 11 p.
Other Publications
21A. Hewer, S. Wuhrer, I. Steiner, K. Richmond.
A Multilinear Tongue Model Derived from Speech Related MRI Data of the Human Vocal Tract, December 2016, working paper or preprint. -
22R. Rombourg, E. Casella, F. Hétroy-Wheeler, H. McKay.
A point-cloud classification method to assess biases in tLiDAR-based forest canopy gap fraction estimates, November 2016, International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (FSPMA), Poster.