Section: New Results
Visual Contrast Sensitivity and Discrimination for 3D Meshes
In this work, we first introduce an algorithm for estimating the visual contrast on a 3D mesh. We then perform a series of psychophysical experiments to study the effects of contrast sensitivity and contrast discrimination of the human visual system for the task of differentiating between two contrasts on a 3D mesh. The results of these experiments allow us to propose a perceptual model that is able to predict whether a change in local contrast on 3D mesh, induced by a local geometric distortion, is visible or not. Finally, we illustrate the utility of the proposed perceptual model in a number of applications: we compute the Just Noticeable Distortion (JND) profile for smooth-shaded 3D meshes and use the model to guide mesh processing algorithms.
This work has been published in Computer Graphics Forum [5] and has received the best paper award at the Pacific Graphics 2016 conference.