Section: New Results

Stability, Stabilization, Synchronization

  • Input-to-state stability:

    • Supported by a novel field definition and recent control theory results, a new method to avoid local minima is proposed in [25]. It is formally shown that the system has an attracting equilibrium at the target point, repelling equilibriums in the obstacles centers and saddle points on the borders. Those unstable equilibriums are avoided capitalizing on the established Input-to-State Stability (ISS) property of this multistable system. The proposed modification of the PF method is shown to be effective by simulation for a two variables integrator and then applied to an unicycle-like wheeled mobile robots which is subject to additive input disturbances.

    • [62] Motivated by the problem of phase-locking in droop-controlled inverter-based microgrids with delays, the recently developed theory of input-to-state stability (ISS) for multistable systems is extended to the case of multistable systems with delayed dynamics. Sufficient conditions for ISS of delayed systems are presented using Lyapunov-Razumikhin functions. It is shown that ISS multistable systems are robust with respect to delays in a feedback. The derived theory is applied to two examples. First, the ISS property is established for the model of a nonlinear pendulum and delay-dependent ro-bustness conditions are derived. Second, it is shown that, under certain assumptions, the problem of phase-locking analysis in droop-controlled inverter-based microgrids with delays can be reduced to the stability investigation of the nonlinear pendulum. For this case, corresponding delay-dependent conditions for asymptotic phase-locking are given.

    • [103] A necessary and sufficient criterion to establish input-to-state stability (ISS) of nonlinear dynamical systems, the dynamics of which are periodic with respect to certain state variables and which possess multiple invariant solutions (equilibria, limit cycles, etc.), is provided. Unlike standard Lyapunov approaches, the condition is relaxed and formulated via a sign-indefinite function with sign-definite derivative, and by taking the system's periodicity explicitly into account. The new result is established by using the framework of cell structure introduced in [24] and it complements the methods developed in [3], [4] for periodic systems. The efficiency of the proposed approach is illustrated via the global analysis of a nonlinear pendulum with constant persistent input.

    • In [53] we revisit the problem of stabilizing a triple integrator using a control that depends on the signs of the state variables. For a more general class of linear systems it is shown that the stabilization by sign feedback is possible, depending on some properties of the system's matrix. The conditions for the stability are established by means of linear matrix inequalities. For the triple integrator, the domain of stability is evaluated. Also, the control law is augmented by a linear feedback and the stability properties for this case, checked. The results are illustrated by numerical experiments for a chain of integrators of third order.

  • Stabilization:

    • A solution to the problem of global fixed-time output stabilization of a chain of integrators is proposed in [70]. A nonlinear state feedback and a dynamic observer are designed in order to guarantee both fixed-time estimation and fixed-time control. Robustness with respect to exogenous disturbances and measurement noises is established. The performance of the obtained control and estimation algorithms are illustrated by numeric experiments.

    • In [20], the rate of convergence to the origin for a chain of integrators stabilized by homogeneous feedback is accelerated by a supervisory switching of control parameters. The proposed acceleration algorithm ensures a fixed-time convergence for otherwise exponentially or finite-time stable homogeneous closed-loop systems. Bounded disturbances are taken into account. The results are especially useful in the case of exponentially stable systems widespread in the practice. The proposed switching strategy is illustrated by computer simulation.

    • [33] The problem of robust finite-time stabilization of perturbed multi-input linear system by means of generalized relay feedback is considered. A new control design procedure, which combines convex embedding technique with Implicit Lyapunov Function (ILF) method, is developed. The sufficient conditions for both local and global finite-time stabilization are provided. The issues of practical implementation of the obtained implicit relay feedback are discussed. Our theoretical result is supported by numerical simulation for a Buck converter.

    • [100] contributes to the stability analysis for impulsive dynamical systems based on a vector Lyapunov function and its divergence operator. The new method relies on a 2D time domain representation. The result is illustrated for the exponential stability of linear impulsive systems based on LMIs. The obtained results provide some notions of minimum and maximum dwell-time. Some examples illustrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.

    • The Universal Integral Control, introduced in H.K. Khalil, is revisited in [34] by employing mollifiers instead of a high-gain observer for the differentiation of the output signal. The closed loop system is a classical functional differential equation with distributed delays on which standard Lyapunov arguments are applied to study the stability. Low-pass filtering capability of mollifiers is demonstrated for a high amplitude and rapidly oscillating noise. The controller is supported by numerical simulations.

  • Synchronization:

    • In [12], we study a robust synchronization problem for multistable systems evolving on manifolds within an Input-to-State Stability (ISS) framework. Based on a recent generalization of the classical ISS theory to multistable systems, a robust synchronization protocol is designed with respect to a compact invariant set of the unperturbed system. The invariant set is assumed to admit a decomposition without cycles, that is, with neither homoclinic nor heteroclinic orbits. Numerical simulation examples illustrate our theoretical results.

    • In [51], [96], motivated by a recent work of R. Brockett Brockett (2013), we study a robust synchronization problem for multistable Brockett oscillators within an Input-to-State Stability (ISS) framework. Based on a recent generalization of the classical ISS theory to multistable systems and its application to the synchronization of multistable systems, a synchronization protocol is designed with respect to compact invariant sets of the unperturbed Brockett oscillator. The invariant sets are assumed to admit a decomposition without cycles (i.e. with neither homoclinic nor heteroclinic orbits). Contrarily to the local analysis of Brockett (2013), the conditions obtained in our work are global and applicable for family of non-identical oscillators. Numerical simulation examples illustrate our theoretical results.