STARS - 2016
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

The Clem Workflow

Participants : Annie Ressouche, Daniel Gaffé.

Keywords: Synchronous languages, Synchronous Modeling, Model checking, Mealy machine.

Figure 23. The Clem Toolkit

This research axis concerns the theoretical study of a synchronous language le with modular compilation and the development of a toolkit around the language (see Figure  23) to design, simulate, verify, and generate code for programs. The novelty of the approach is the ability to manage both modularity and causality.

This year, we continued to focus on the improvement of both le language and compiler concerning data handling and the generation of back-ends, required by other research axis of the team. We also designed a large application: a mechatronics system in clem and we have proved that its main safety properties hold in our modeling. Now, to complete the improvement done these two last years concerning data handling, we want to extend the verification side of clem . To this aim, this year we began to replace the fundamental representation of Boolean values as BDD (Binary Decision Diagrams) with LDD (Logical Decision Diagrams), which allow to encode integer values in a very efficient way. It turns out that the validation mechanism of clem could take into account properties over integer data. However, this is a first test and the integration of a model checking technique in clem remains a challenge.