Section: New Software and Platforms


Real-Time, Advanced, Immersive Visualization of Software / Java Bytecode Instrumenter and Tracer

Keywords: Java - Bytecode - Instrumentation - Profiling - Execution trace - Basic block

Scientific Description

VITRAIL JBInsTrace is a program to instrument Java bytecode to trace its execution. The trace contains both static and dynamic information (calls). It is produced by intercepting the JVM class loader and replacing it by ours. Thus Java bytecode file are not modified, since instrumentation is performed on the fly, in memory. This makes it possible to instrument the whole program code, including libraries. Java source code is not needed. The trace which is then fed into our program VITRAIL Visualizer is an XML-like file.

This program may be used in Tamis as a basis for tools to instrument Java bytecode for security.

Functional Description

VITRAIL JBInsTrace is a program to instrument Java bytecode files to trace their execution. The trace is then fed into our VITRAIL Visualizer tool.

  • Participants: Pierre Caserta and Olivier Zendra

  • Contact: Olivier Zendra