Section: New Results

High-throughput V(D)J repertoire analysis

Researches on high-throughput V(D)J repertoire analysis started in the group in 2012. We have developed Vidjil, a web platform dedicated to the analysis of lymphocyte populations. Starting from DNA sequences, uploaded by the user, Vidjil identifies and quantifies lymphocyte populations and provides an interactive visualization.

Seven European hospitals are now using Vidjil for their daily clinical practice. This year we published our experience of the minimal residual disease follow-up for acute lymphoblastic leukemia using Vidjil [24]. This is a first step towards using high-throughput sequencing and Vidjil for all the follow-up of the patients. We also participated to a joint publication with the EuroClonality-NGS consortium (see below).

Finally, we are working on transferring activities on platform development and user support. After meetings with several partners, we selected the Inria Foundation. The VidjilNet consortium (http://www.vidjil.net) will be launched in January 2018 within the InriaSoft action of the Foundation and will hire two engineers. VidjilNet will first gather hematology labs of French hospitals working on diagnosis and follow-up of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and will be then extended to labs working on other pathologies as well as foreign labs.