Section: Dissemination


H. Garavel participates to the program committee and organization committee of FMF (Formal Methods Forum) (http://projects.laas.fr/IFSE/FMF), a series of industrial conferences on formal methods set up by the competitivity clusters Aerospace Valley and Minalogic, with the support of Inria and many other partners. The 7th FMF conference, devoted to formal methods and cybersecurity, was held on January 31, 2017. The 8th FMF conference, devoted to formal methods and autonomous vehicles, was held on October 10, 2017. Both events gathered a large audience.

L. Marsso, R. Mateescu, and Olivier Clozeau (Innovista Sensors) participated to the “Forum 5i” held on June 1st, 2017 at Grenoble (World Trade Center), where they held a stand dedicated to the results of the Bluesky project (http://www.minalogic.com/en/project/bluesky).

R. Mateescu gave a lecture entitled “Validation d'applications embarquées par des jumeaux numériques formels” at the Journée thématique Minalogic sur la modélisation des systèmes cyber-physiques held in Grenoble on November 16, 2017.