Section: New Results
Applications in Robotic myoelectric prostheses
Participants : Pierre-Yves Oudeyer [correspondant] , Manuel Lopes, Mathilde Couraud, Sebastien Mick, Aymar de Rugy, Daniel Cattaert, Florent Paclet.
Together with the Hybrid team at INCIA, CNRS, the Flowers team continued to work on establishing the foundations of a long-term project related to the design and study of myoelectric robotic prosthesis. The ultimate goal of this project is to enable an amputee to produce natural movements with a robotic prosthetic arm (open-source, cheap, easily reconfigurable, and that can learn the particularities/preferences of each user). This will be achieved by 1) using the natural mapping between neural (muscle) activity and limb movements in healthy users, 2) developing a low-cost, modular robotic prosthetic arm and 3) enabling the user and the prosthesis to co-adapt to each other, using machine learning and error signals from the brain, with incremental learning algorithms inspired from the field of developmental and human-robot interaction.
Model and experiments to optimize co-adaptation in a simplified myoelectric control system
To compensate for a limb lost in an amputation, myoelectric prostheses use surface electromyography (EMG) from the remaining muscles to control the prosthesis. Despite considerable progress, myoelectric controls remain markedly different from the way we normally control movements, and require intense user adaptation. To overcome this, our goal is to explore concurrent machine co-adaptation techniques that are developed in the field of brain-machine interface, and that are beginning to be used in myoelectric controls. We combined a simplified myoelectric control with a perturbation for which human adaptation is well characterized and modeled, in order to explore co-adaptation settings in a principled manner. First, we reproduced results obtained in a classical visuomotor rotation paradigm in our simplified myoelectric context, where we rotate the muscle pulling vectors used to reconstruct wrist force from EMG. Then, a model of human adaptation in response to directional error was used to simulate various co-adaptation settings, where perturbations and machine co-adaptation are both applied on muscle pulling vectors. These simulations established that a relatively low gain of machine co-adaptation that minimizes final errors generates slow and incomplete adaptation, while higher gains increase adaptation rate but also errors by amplifying noise. After experimental verification on real subjects, we tested a variable gain that cumulates the advantages of both, and implemented it with directionally tuned neurons similar to those used to model human adaptation. This enables machine co-adaptation to locally improve myoelectric control, and to absorb more challenging perturbations. Significance. The simplified context used here enabled to explore co-adaptation settings in both simulations and experiments, and to raise important considerations such as the need for a variable gain encoded locally. This work was published in the Journal Of Neural Engineering in [71]
Performance and Usability of Various Robotic Arm Control Modes from Human Force Signals
Elaborating an efficient and usable mapping between input commands and output movements is still a key challenge for the design of robotic arm prostheses. In order to address this issue, we developped and compared three different control modes, by assessing them in terms of performance as well as general usability. Using an isometric force transducer as the command device, these modes convert the force input signal into either a position or a velocity vector, whose magnitude is linearly or quadratically related to force input magnitude. With the robotic arm from the open source 3D-printed Poppy Humanoid platform simulating a mobile prosthesis, an experiment was carried out with eighteen able-bodied subjects performing a 3-D target-reaching task using each of the three modes. The subjects were given questionnaires to evaluate the quality of their experience with each mode, providing an assessment of their global usability in the context of the task. According to performance metrics and questionnaire results, velocity control modes were found to perform better than position control mode in terms of accuracy and quality of control as well as user satisfaction and comfort. Subjects also seemed to favor quadratic velocity control over linear (proportional) velocity control, even if these two modes did not clearly distinguish from one another when it comes to performance and usability assessment. These results highlight the need to take into account user experience as one of the key criteria for the design of control modes intended to operate limb prostheses. This work was published in the journal Frontiers in Neurorobotics [72].