Section: Dissemination


One of the main general audience event of the team has been the “Fête de la Science” on the 13th and 14th of October, 2017. The team hosted about 10 groups of 15-20 persons (150 to 200 visitors) over two days, with the following demonstrations:

  • “smart appartment”, with the “smart tiles” and the Pepper Robot;

  • AnDy project: activity recognition with the “inertial” motion capture suit, muscle sensing with EMG sensors;

  • iCub robot: performing squats with the iCub robot and a whole-body motion controller; interactive demonstrations of iCub following a red-ball (given to a child) with the gaze and the head;

  • ResiBots project: damage recovery with a damaged 6-legged robot.

The team also presented numerous videos of additional results with the robots. Involved members of the team: François Charpillet, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis, Brice Clément, Francis Colas, Oriane Dermy, Dorian Goepp, Waldez Gomes, Aurore Husson, Serena Ivaldi, Yassine El Khadiri, and Adrian Bourgaud, Adrien Malaisé, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Kazu Otani and Olivier Rochel.

In addition:

  • Vincent Thomas gave tutorials on “physics simulation” and “stochastic decision making” for teachers during “journées ISN-EPI” (30th of Mars 2017).

  • Vincent Thomas participated in the preparation and reviewing of “Computer Science Exporoute” (conducted by Inria Nancy Grand-Est) presented in 2017.

  • Vincent Thomas animated discussions and tutorials on “planning in mazes” for students from 6 to 20 years old during “fetes de la sciences” organized by Univ. Lorraine (13th of October 2017).

  • Vincent Thomas presented “Bayesian reasonning” during “journées portes ouvertes” organized by Inria Nancy-Grand Est (14th of October 2017).

  • Vincent Thomas accompanied computer science DUT students during the “Nancy acceuille Google” event (20th of October 2017).

  • Serena Ivaldi was panelist in public conferences/debates in Futur en Seine and 50 ans of Inria, both in Paris.

  • Amine Boumaza is a member of the editorial board of “Interstice”.

  • Karim Bouyarmane was the academic advisor for the Polytech School of Engineering students team of robotics that particpated to the 2017 Coupe de France de Robotique.

  • Francis Colas participated in a Sciences en Lumières event “Visages de la robotique” at RTE (14th of December 2017).