Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Title: Fostering Research on Models for Storytelling Applications
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Interactive Storytelling is a new media which allows users to alter the content and outcome of narratives through role-playing and specific actions. With the quality, the availability and reasonable costs of display technologies and 3D interaction devices on one side, and the accessibility of 3D content creation tools on the other, this media is taking a significant share in entertainment (as demonstrated by the success of cinematographic games such as Heavy Rain or Beyond: two souls). These advances push us to re-think the way narratives are traditionally structured, explore new interactive modalities and provide new interactive cinematographic experiences. As a sequel of the first associate team FORMOSA 1, we propose to address new challenges pertained to interactive storytelling such as the use of temporal structures in narratives, interaction modalities and their impact in terms of immersion, and the adaptation of cinematographic real data to 3D environments. To achieve these objectives, the associate team will rely on the complementary skills of its partners and on the co-supervision of students.
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
RE-SIMS aims at gathering the best international research teams working on crowd simulation to allow significant progresses on the level of realism achieved by crowd simulators. To this end, RE-SIMS aims at improving methods for capturing crowd motion data that describe real crowd behaviors, as well as by improving data assimilation techniques.
In this renewal, RE-SIMS extends the previous SIMS partnership and follows a multidiciplinary direction.
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
Dr. Edouard Auvinet, Imperial College London, UK (collaboration with Franck Multon)
Dr. Huber Shum, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK (collaboration with Franck Multon and Ludovic Hoyet, with joint papers and supervision)
Dr. Rachel McDonnell, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (on-going collaboration with Ludovic Hoyet, including a 6-month internship from one of her PhD student in Rennes)
Prof. Carol O’Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (on-going collaboration with Ludovic Hoyet)
Prof. Carlile Lavor, UNICAMP, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil (collaboration with Antonio Mucherino)
Dr. Douglas S. Gonçalves, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianṕolis, Brazil (collaboration with Antonio Mucherino)
Jung-Hsin Lin, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (collaboration with Antonio Mucherino)