Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Marc Christie [contact] , Christophe Lino, Quentin Galvane, Hui-Yin Wu.

Cineviz is a 3-year ANR LabCom project (2016-2019). Amount: 300kE. Parnters: SolidAnim, UR1.

The project is a bilateral collaboration with the SolidAnim company. The objective is to jointly progress on the design and implementation of novel tools for the preproduction in the film industry. The project will address the challenges related to (i) proposing expressive framing tools, (ii) integrating the technical aspects of shooting (how to place the cameras, lights, green sets) directly at the design stage), and (iii) novel interaction metaphors for designing and controlling the staging of lights in preproduction, using an example-based approach.


Participants : Charles Pontonnier [contact] , Georges Dumont, Franck Multon, Pierre Plantard, Ana Lucia Cruz Ruiz, Antoine Muller, Anthony Sorel, Nicolas Bideau, Richard Kulpa.

The ANR project ENTRACTE is a collaboration between the Gepetto team in LAAS, Toulouse (head of the project) and the Inria/MimeTIC team. The project started in November 2013 and ended in August 2017. The purpose of the ENTRACTE project is to address the action planning problem, crucial for robots as well as for virtual human avatars, in analyzing human motion at a biomechanical level [16] and in defining from this analysis bio-inspired motor control laws and bio-inspired paradigms for action planning. The project is launched since november 2013 and Ana Lucia Cruz Ruiz, who has been recruited as a PhD student since this date, defended her thesis on muscle-based control based on synergies last year.

National scientific collaborations


Participant : Franck Multon [contact] .

The Cavaletic collaborative project is leaded by University Bretagne Sud and also involves University Rennes2 (CREAD Lab.). It has been funded by the National IFCE (Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation) in order to develop and evaluate technological assistance in horse riding learning, thanks to a user-centered approach. MimeTIC is involved in measuring expert and non-expert horse riders’ motions in standardized situations in order to develop metrics to measure riders’ performance. It will be used to develop a technological system embedded on users to evaluate their performance and provide them with real-time feedback to correct potential errors.


Participants : Richard Kulpa [contact] , Benoit Bideau, Pierre Touzard.

An exclusive contract has been signed between the M2S laboratory and the French Federation of Tennis for three years. The goal is to perform biomechanical analyses of 3D tennis serves on a population of 40 players of the Pôle France. The objective is to determine the link between injuries and biomechanical constraints on joints and muscles depending on the age and gender of the players. At the end, the goal is to evaluate their load training.


Participants : Antonio Mucherino [contact] , Ludovic Hoyet, Franck Multon.

gDGA (generalization of the Distance Geometry and its Applications) is a INS2I/CNRS PEPS project involving local and national partners. Distance geometry can nowadays be seen as a classical problem in operational research, having a wide range of applications. The main aim of this interdisciplinary project is to extend the definition and the range of applicability of distance geometry. In particular, our main interest is on dynamical problems, motivated by a certain number of applications of interest, including interaction motion adaptation, the simulation of crowd behaviours, and the conception of modern recommender systems. The classical application of distance geometry arising in the biological field is also taken into consideration. The necessity of a strong computational power for the considered applications motivates the need of implementing our algorithms in environments capable of exploiting the resources on GPU cards.


Participants : Ronan Gaugne [contact] , Georges Dumont.

The IRMA project is an Imag'In project funded by CNRS which aims at developping innovative methodologies for research in the field of cultural heritage based on the combination of medical imaging technologies and interactive 3D technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality, haptics, additive manufacturing). It relies on close collaborations with the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap), the Research Center Archaeology, and History Archéosciences (CReAAH UMR 6566) and the company Image ET. The developed tools are intended for cultural heritage professionals such as museums, curators, restorers, and archaeologists. We focus on a large number of archeological artefacts of different nature, and various time periods (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Iron Age Medieval) from all over France. We can notably mention the oldest human bones found in Brittany (clavicle Beg Er Vil), a funeral urn from Trebeurden (22), or a Bronze Cauldron from a burial of the Merovingian necropolis "Crassés Saint-Dizier" (51). This project involves a strong collaboration with members of the team Hybrid (Valérie Gouranton, Bruno Arnaldi and Jean-Baptiste Barreau), Théophane Nicolas (Inrap/UMR Trajectoires), Quentin Petit (SED Inria Rennes), and Grégor Marchand (CNRS/UMR CReAAH).

ADT: Immerstar

Participants : Franck Multon, Georges Dumont [contact] , Ronan Gaugne.

The ADT-Immerstar is driven by the SED and aims at developing new tools and facilities for the scientific community in order to develop demos and use the two immersive rooms in Rennes: Immersia and Immermove. The engineer (Quentin Petit, SED) has the responsibility of homogenizing the software modules and development facilities in each platform, of installing new upgrades and of developping collaborative applications between the two sites.


Participants : Franck Multon [contact] , Ludovic Hoyet, Antonio Mucherino.

The Inria PRE projet entitled "Smart sensors and novel motion representation breakthrough for human performance analysis" aims at designing a new description for human motion in order to automatically capture, measure and transfer the intrinsic constraints of human motion. Current approached consisted in manually editing the constraints associated with a motion, to use classical skeleton representation with joint angles based on direct or indirect measurements, and then perform inverse kinematics to fulfill these constraints. We aim at designing a new representation to simplify this process pipeline and make it automatic, together with relevant motion sensors that could provide enough information to automatically extract these intrinsic constraints. To this end, this project has been jointly proposed with the Inria CAIRN team, which develops sensors based on joint orientations and distances between sensors. We aim at extending this type of device to measure new types of information that would help to simplify the above mentionned pipeline. A postdoc arrived in November 2016 to jointly work with CAIRN. We also involved Hubert Shum from Northumbria University to link this project with the long-term collaboration with Dr. Shum about this type of problem. ype of problems.