Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year


Amina Doumane was awarded the The Kleene Award for Best Student Paper at the LICS 2017 conference, for her work on “Constructive Completeness for the Linear-Time mu-Calculus”. She also received in January 2018 the prize of the Journal La Recherche for the same paper.

Amina Doumane was awarded the Gilles Kahn 2017 prize for her PhD thesis entitled “On the infinitary proof theory of logics with fixed points” supervised by Alexis Saurin, David Baelde and Pierre-Louis Curien.

Ludovic Patey was awarded the Prix Thiessé de Rosemont / Demassieux 2017 for his PhD thesis “Les mathématiques à rebours de théorèmes de type Ramsey”, supervised by Laurent Bienvenu and Hugo Herbelin.

Best Papers Awards:
A. Doumane.

Constructive completeness for the linear-time µ-calculus, in: Conference on Logic in Computer Science 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2017.


A. Doumane.

On the infinitary proof theory of logics with fixed points, Université Paris 7 - Diderot, June 2017.
