Section: Dissemination


  • CNRS publishes an article about zonotope sampling presented at ICML (see http://www.cnrs.fr/ins2i/spip.php?article2633).

  • Julien Seznec publishes an article in Les Echos that discusses ML for education (November 2017).

  • Émilie Kaufmann gave a popularization talk about bandit algorithms aimed at high school/prepa students at the MathPark seminar, organized at IHP in Paris (April 2017).

  • Avec GuessWhat?! quand l’humain joue, l’ordinateur s’initie au langage, https://www.inria.fr/centre/lille/actualites/avec-guesswhat-!-quand-l-humain-joue-l-ordinateur-s-initie-au-langage

  • Florian Strub and Mathieu Seurin demonstrated guesswhat?! during the celebrations of Inria 50th anniversary (November 2017).

  • Philippe Preux:

    • interviewed for an article on L’intelligence artificielle, est-ce vraiment de l’intelligence ? in BioTech.info, Jan. 2017.

    • participates to a debate about Artificial Intelligence, as part of the franceIA tour (Euratechnologies, Lille).

    • interview by AFP in relation to alphaGo.

    • interviewed for an article on AI and games, published in Le figaro.

    • an interview that led to a publication in ATOS Connexion, the ATOS internal journal.

    • a video has been made with him being interviewed on Artificial Intelligence by NordEka (to be available on youtube).

    • has been selected to be protrayed at the “Soirée partenaires de l'université de Lille”, Nov.

    • was a member of the organization comittee of the celebrations of the 50th Inria anniversary in Lille.

    • co-organizes a meet-up on big data and machine learning at Inria.

  • M. Valko, Comment maximiser la détection des influenceurs sur les réseaux sociaux ?, popularization talk, Presented on May 30th, 2017 at 13 France (Inria 13:45 2017)