Section: Dissemination
CNRS publishes an article about zonotope sampling presented at ICML (see
Julien Seznec publishes an article in Les Echos that discusses ML for education (November 2017).
Émilie Kaufmann gave a popularization talk about bandit algorithms aimed at high school/prepa students at the MathPark seminar, organized at IHP in Paris (April 2017).
Avec GuessWhat?! quand l’humain joue, l’ordinateur s’initie au langage,!-quand-l-humain-joue-l-ordinateur-s-initie-au-langage
Florian Strub and Mathieu Seurin demonstrated guesswhat?! during the celebrations of Inria 50th anniversary (November 2017).
interviewed for an article on L’intelligence artificielle, est-ce vraiment de l’intelligence ? in, Jan. 2017.
participates to a debate about Artificial Intelligence, as part of the franceIA tour (Euratechnologies, Lille).
interviewed for an article on AI and games, published in Le figaro.
an interview that led to a publication in ATOS Connexion, the ATOS internal journal.
a video has been made with him being interviewed on Artificial Intelligence by NordEka (to be available on youtube).
has been selected to be protrayed at the “Soirée partenaires de l'université de Lille”, Nov.
was a member of the organization comittee of the celebrations of the 50th Inria anniversary in Lille.
co-organizes a meet-up on big data and machine learning at Inria.
M. Valko, Comment maximiser la détection des influenceurs sur les réseaux sociaux ?, popularization talk, Presented on May 30th, 2017 at 13 France (Inria 13:45 2017)