Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Mathieu Desbrun, Professor at Caltech, visited us from August to October.

  • Gianmarco Cherchi, PhD student from University of Cagliary (Sardinia), visited us for three months (October-December) to collaborate on the refinement and optimization of polycubes.

  • David Bommes, junior researcher from RWTH Aachen, visited us in September.

  • Leman Feng (Ecole des ponts): Generation and optimization of high-order meshes. In collaboration with Laurent Busé and Hervé Delingette.

  • Vinay Datta Renigunta (Hyderabad, India): Sinkorn iteration for optimal transport. In collaboration with David Cohen-Steiner.

  • Armand Zampieri (Arts et Métiers Paristech): Aligning large-scale remote sensing images using neural networks.