Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Mathieu Desbrun, Professor at Caltech, visited us from August to October.
Gianmarco Cherchi, PhD student from University of Cagliary (Sardinia), visited us for three months (October-December) to collaborate on the refinement and optimization of polycubes.
David Bommes, junior researcher from RWTH Aachen, visited us in September.
Leman Feng (Ecole des ponts): Generation and optimization of high-order meshes. In collaboration with Laurent Busé and Hervé Delingette.
Vinay Datta Renigunta (Hyderabad, India): Sinkorn iteration for optimal transport. In collaboration with David Cohen-Steiner.
Armand Zampieri (Arts et Métiers Paristech): Aligning large-scale remote sensing images using neural networks.