Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Pierre Alliez: ACM SIGGRAPH, EUROGRAPHICS, EUROGRAPHICS Star reports, EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing, EG Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. He was an advisory board member for EUROGRAPHICS 2018 and chaired the EUROGRAPHICS 2017 Günter Enderle Award Committee.
Yuliya Tarabalka: IDAACS international conference.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Pierre Alliez is an associate editor of Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Graphical Models. He stepped down from ACM Transactions on Graphics in 2017. He is also a member of the editorial board of the CGAL open source project.
Florent Lafarge is an associate editor of The Visual Computer since 2015.
Yuliya Tarabalka is an associate editor for the Springer journal Sensing and Imaging and the International Journal of Computing since 2017.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Yuliya Tarabalka was a reviewer for the IEEE IGARSS conference (student competition selection committee).
Invited Talks
Florent Lafarge gave an invited talk at the Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing (SBSR 2017) at Santos, Brazil.
Yuliya Tarabalka gave an invited talk at the Brazilian Congress of Cartography at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and a tutorial on machine learning at IGARSS conference in Fort Worth, USA.
Pierre Alliez gave an invited seminar at collège de France (Géométrie algorithmique: Données, Modèles, Programmes).
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Pierre Alliez is a member of the Steering Committees of the EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing and of the EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. He was also elected Executive Board Member for the Solid Modeling Association, for 4 years.
Scientific Expertise
Pierre Alliez reviewed two H2020 projects for the European commission. He was also a reviewer for the Belgium Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS).
Yuliya Tarabalka was an expert evaluator for Kazakhstan national research funding foundation, and she is a member of the expert panel SBWT (signal processing) of the FWO (Belgian research funding foundation) since November 2016.
Research Administration
Pierre Alliez: member of the BCP (bureau du CP) since 2015, comité MASTIC (popularization), and comité espace immersif.