Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Denis Trystram is responsible of the first year (M1) of the international Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG-M1). 200 hours per year in average.
Master: Fanny Dufossé. 30 hours per year. Combinatorial scientific computing in Master at ENS Lyon and Algorithmic in Licence at Grenoble INP.
Master: Pierre-François Dutot. 226 hours per year. Licence (first and second year) at IUT2/UPMF (Institut Universitaire Technologique de Univ. Grenoble-Alpes) and 9 hours Master M2R-ISC Informatique-Systèmes-Communication at Univ. Grenoble-Alpes.
Master: Grégory Mounié. 242 hours per year. Master (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year) at Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP.
Master: Bruno Raffin. 28 hours per year. Parallel System. International Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG-M2).
Master: Olivier Richard is responsible of the third year of the computer science department of Grenoble INP. 222 hours per year. Master at Engineering school Polytech-Grenoble, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes.
Master: Frédéric Wagner. 220 hours per year. Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year).
Master: Yves Denneulin. 192 hours per year. Engineering school ENSIMAG, Grenoble-INP (M1/2nd year and M2/3rd year).
PhD: Estelle Dirand, Integration of High-Performance Data Analytics and IOs for Molecular Dynamics on Exascale Computer, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. November 2018. Bruno Raffin and Laurent Colombet (CEA).
PhD: Valentin Reis, Learning to Control Large-Scale Parallel Platforms, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes. October 2018. Advisers: Denis Trystram and Eric Gaussier
PhD in progress: Michael Mercier, Resource Management and Job Scheduling in HPC–Cloud environments towards the Big Data era, Univ. Grenoble Alpes. Started October 2016. Advisers: Olivier Richard and Bruno Raffin.
PhD in progress: Alessandro Kraemer, Scheduling in the Cloud, Univ Grenoble-Alpes and UFPR (co-tutelle). Started October 2014. Advisers: Olivier Richard and Denis Trystram.
PhD in progress: Mohammed Khatiri, Tasks scheduling on heterogeneous Multicore, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes and University Mohammed First (co-tutelle), Advisers: Denis Trystram, El Mostafa DAOUDI (University Mohammed First, Oujda, Morocco)
PhD in progress: Adrien Faure, Scheduling with Resource Augmentation, Advisers: Denis Trystram
PhD in progress: Clément Mommessin, Scheduling on heterogeneous platforms, Advisers: Denis Trystram
PhD in progress: Loris Felardos, Deep Learning for the Analytics of Molecular Systems, Advisers: Bruno Raffin, Guillaume Charpiat (Inria team Tau), Jérome Hénin (IBPC).
PhD in Progress: Salah Zrigui, Learning Scheduling Strategies, Advisers: Denis Trystram and Fanny Dufossé.
PhD Defense of Jonathan Sarton, Visualisations interactives haute-performance de donnes volumiques massives : une approche out-of-core multi-resolution basee GPUs, 28 Novembre 2018, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Reviewer
PhD Defense of Adrian Perez Dieguez, Parallel Prefix Operations on Heterogeneous Platforms, December 2018, Universidad da Coruna. Reviewer.
PhD Defense of Khalil Labidi, Parallelisation of hybrid metaheuristics for COP solving, 20 septembre 2018, Université de Tunis et Université Paris-Dauphine. President
PhD Defense of Stéphane Durand, Contrôle distribué et théorie des jeux : application aux systèmes auto-optimisants, 13 décembre 2018, Univ Grenoble Alpes. President
HDR Defense of Samuel Thibault, 13 décembre 2018, University Bordeaux I. Reviewer