Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

Christian Duriez realized a geographical mobility as part of the program Inria @ SiliconValley. More details in the Highlights section.

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners

Collaboration with the group of Allison Okamura at Stanford University

Christian Duriez was awarded of a Fulbright Grant for going 7 months (February to August 2018) at Stanford University to work with the group of Allison Okamura. One of a phD student of Stanford, Margaret Koehler, has been awarded of a Chateaubriand Grant for coming 6 months (September 2017 to February 2018) in our Group in Lille. The collaboration was about 2 projects. The first project is haptic rendering with deformable robotics device. The second project is about the modeling and simulation of the “vine robot” that is currently being designed at Stanford.

Informal International Partners
  • Collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

    Maxime Thieffry spent a month in the Distributed Robotics Laboratory, CSAIL, MIT, for a collaboration with Robert Katzschmann and Daniela Rus. This work led to a submission to the soft robotics conference, RoboSoft 2019.

  • Collaboration with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Napoli:

    The project was on the control of manipulation tasks. Using the SoftRobots.Inverse plugin we allowed the control of the shape of a deformable object manipulated by a rigid hand. In the paper [20] we demonstrate the feasibility of the method.