Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
PY. Oudeyer has been general co-chair (with J. Gottlieb, A. Shankar and P. Zurn) of the international conference "Curiosity: Emerging Sciences and Educational Innovations" at University of Pennsylvania, US, gathering researchers from multiple disciplines (neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, HCI, robotics, philosophy, education) around the topic of curiosity, learning and education.
PY Oudeyer has been vice-chair of the IEEE CIS Technical Committee on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
Scientific Events Selection
Conference Reviewer
N. Diaz Rodriguez was reviewer for ICSC18 (International Conf. on Semantic Computing) and Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Conference (IEEE AIKE 2018)
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
N. Diaz Rodriguez was reviewer for: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Knowledge-Based Systems, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
PY Oudeyer was reviewer for Cognitive Science, Child Development Perspectives and Nature Scientific Reports.
Invited Talks
David Filliat gave an invited presentation at 'Journées Robotique et IA' in PFIA18, on July 5th, 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Apprentissage autonome développemental et modèles du développement cognitif chez l'enfant", Paris, Académie des Sciences, Oct. 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Developmental Autonomous Learning: Can a Machine Learn like a Child?", Académie des Technologies, Paris, Oct. 2018
PY Oudeyer, "Computational Theories of Curiosity-driven Learning: Cognitive Science and AI", Exploring Curiosity conference, Amsterdam, Nov. 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Developmental Autonomous Learning: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences", Univ. Columbia, NY, Oct. 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Le projet KidLearn: motivations intrinsèques, apprentissage et edTech", Rectorat de l'Académie de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Jan. 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Computational Theories of Curiosity-driven Development", Multidisciplinary Developmental Dynamics conference (ETF 18), University of East Anglia, UK, June 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Developmental Autonomous Learning: AI, Cognitive Science and Educational Technologies", joint lab Inria and Microsoft Research event, Paris, june 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Developmental Autonomous Learning: AI, Cognitive Science and Educational Technologies", Ubisoft, Paris, June 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Developmental Autonomous Learning: AI, Cognitive Science and Educational Technologies", Summer School on Human-Robot Interaction, Animatas project, Paris, sept. 2018.
PY. Oudeyer, "Developmental exploration and active learning", Cloud Temple event on AI and machine learning, Paris, january 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "From models of curiosity-driven learning to applications in Personalized eLearning technologies", international conference "Curiosity: Emerging Sciences and Educational Innovations" at University of Pennsylvania, US, Dec. 2018.
PY Oudeyer, "Computational Theories of Curiosity-driven Learning", Symposium on the Biology of Decision Making (SBDM 2018), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, june 2018.
N. Diaz Rodriguez gave an invited talk at Inria Flowers Deep RL workshop 4/4/2018, Research seminar on State representation learning for robotics control at JRC Sevilla European Commission, Spain, 23 April 2018 (
N. Diaz Rodriguez gave an invited talk at Satellite workshop 24 May 2018 @ Sorbonne Université on Learning and decision-making at the interface between Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
PY. Oudeyer has been editor of the IEEE CIS Newsletter on Cognitive and Developmental systems, organizing two interdisciplinary dialogs, see