Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
IUT Informatique, 64h, IUT Informatique Bordeaux (Rémy Portelas).
Master: Robotique Mobile, 21 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).
Master: Perception pour la Robotique, 6 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).
Master: Perception pour la robotique, 12 heures. M2 Systemes Avances et Robotique, Sorbonnes University (David Filliat)
Master: Perception pour la Robotique Développementale, 3 hours, CogMaster (David Filliat)
Master: IN104 Projet Informatique, 20 h. TD (N. Diaz Rodriguez).
Master: IA301 (Telecom ParisTech): Logics and Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, 9h (N. Diaz Rodriguez)
Master: ROB313: Computer vision for autonomous systems, 8.5 h TD (Perception pour les Systèmes Autonomes, N. Diaz Rodriguez)
Master: Cours de robotique développementale, option robot, ENSEIRB (2h), PY. Oudeyer
PhD in progress: Rémy Portelas, Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration in Open-Ended Worlds (Minecraft) (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD in progress: Cédric Colas, Algorithms for Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD in progress: Sébastien Forestier, Models of curiosity-driven learning of tool use and speech development, started in sept. 2015 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD in progress: Thibault Desprez, Design and study of the impact of educational robotic kits in computer science education, started in dec. 2016 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD completed in 2018: Benjamin Clement, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, started oct 2015 (superv. Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).
PhD completed in 2018: William Schueller, Study of the impact of active learning and teaching in naming games dynamics, started in sept. 2015 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD completed in 2018: Florian Golemo, Design and study of policy learning and Sim2Real transfer algorithms for robotics (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Aaron Courville)
PhD completed: Baptiste Busch, Interactive Learning, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).
PhD completed in 2018: Alexandra Delmas, Auto-Apprentissage Auto-Adaptable pour la compliance au traitement, started oct 2014 (superv. Hélène Sauzéon and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).
PhD completed in 2018: Adrien Matricon : Task dependent visual feature selection for optimising and generalizing robotics skills (superv. David Filliat, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer), defended June, 11th, 2018.
PhD in progress: José Magno Mendes Filho, Planning and control of an autonomous AGV in environment shared with humans, started Oct. 2015 (superv. David Filliat and Eric Lucet (CEA))
PhD in progress: Timothée Lesort, Incremental Deep Learning for Detection and Classification in a Robotic Context. started june 2017 (superv. David Filliat and Jean-Francois Goudou (THALES)).
PhD in progress: Vyshakh Palli Thazha, Data fusion for autonomous vehicles. started sept 2017 (superv. David Filliat and Hervé Illy (Renault)).
PhD in progress: Florence Carton, Exploration of reinforcement learning algorithms for drone visual perception and control started dec 2017 (superv. David Filliat and Jaonary Rabarisoa (CEA)).
PhD in progress: Hugo Caselles-Dupré, Incremental learning for sensori-motor control started june 2018 (superv. David Filliat and Michael Garcia-Ortiz (Softbank Robotics)).
David Filliat was in the PhD jury of François de la Bourdonnaye (18/12/18, Rapporteur), Arnaud Tanguy (28/11/18, Rapporteur), Dinesh Atchuthan (23/10/18, Examinateur), Zhan Wang (19/10/18, Examinateur), Quentin Bateux (12/02/18, Examinateur), Clément Delgrange (reviewer).
David Filliat was in the Hdr jury of Sylvain Argentieri (06/12/18, Rapporteur)
PY Oudeyer was in the PhD jury of Héloise Thero (ENS Paris, examiner), Matthieu Geisert (Univ. Toulouse, reviewer), Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis (Univ. Lorraine, reviewer), Clément Delgrange (Univ. Dijon, examiner).
Thibault Desprez was in the internship jury at Enseirb Bordeaux in October 2018.