Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • In February, Y. Papegay has been visiting lecturer of University of French Polynesia, where he gave an object oriented programming course.

  • O. Pourtallier lectured 6 hours on game theory to Master OSE (M2), at École des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France

  • E. Wajnberg has taught one week course (about 30 h) about the use of the R program and statistics for PhD students and senior scientists in Rehovot (Israel, March), and another week with the same teaching program in Piracicaba (Brazil, July).


  • PhD : A. Massein, Design of Instrumented Environment for Human Monitoring, defended in november 2018, supervisor: Y.Papegay.

  • PhD in progress: W. Plouvier. Improving pest control efficiency: a modelling approach (2015-2019). Supervisor: E. Wajnberg.


  • J-P. Merlet has been a member of four PhD juries. He was also president of the jury for the Best PhD thesis award of the robotics GDR. He is a member of the “Comité de Suivi Doctoraux” (preliminary evaluation committee of PhD students) of Dayan Hassan (project team Chorale) and of Matheuse Laranjeira (Toulon University).

  • E. Wajnberg has been a member of one PhD jury.