Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
In February, Y. Papegay has been visiting lecturer of University of French Polynesia, where he gave an object oriented programming course.
O. Pourtallier lectured 6 hours on game theory to Master OSE (M2), at École des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France
E. Wajnberg has taught one week course (about 30 h) about the use of the R program and statistics for PhD students and senior scientists in Rehovot (Israel, March), and another week with the same teaching program in Piracicaba (Brazil, July).
PhD : A. Massein, Design of Instrumented Environment for Human Monitoring, defended in november 2018, supervisor: Y.Papegay.
PhD in progress: W. Plouvier. Improving pest control efficiency: a modelling approach (2015-2019). Supervisor: E. Wajnberg.
J-P. Merlet has been a member of four PhD juries. He was also president of the jury for the Best PhD thesis award of the robotics GDR. He is a member of the “Comité de Suivi Doctoraux” (preliminary evaluation committee of PhD students) of Dayan Hassan (project team Chorale) and of Matheuse Laranjeira (Toulon University).