Section: Research Program
Generalized Multi-scale Navigation
Participants : Caroline Appert, Anastasia Bezerianos, Olivier Chapuis, Emmanuel Pietriga, Vanessa Peña Araya, Marie Destandau, Anna Gogolou, Hugo Romat, Adhitya Kamakshidasan, Dylan Lebout.
The foundational question addressed here is what to display when, where and how, so as to provide effective support to users in their data understanding and manipulation tasks. ILDA targets contexts in which workers have to interact with complementary views on the same data, or with views on different-but-related datasets, possibly at different levels of abstraction. Being able to combine or switch between representations of the data at different levels of detail and merge data from multiple sources in a single representation is central to many scenarios. This is especially true in both of the application domains we consider: mission-critical systems (e.g., natural disaster crisis management) and the exploratory analysis of scientific data (e.g., correlate theories and heterogeneous observational data for an analysis of a given celestial body in Astrophysics).
A significant part of our research over the last ten years has focused on multi-scale interfaces. We designed and evaluated novel interaction techniques, but also worked actively on the development of open-source UI toolkits for multi-scale interfaces ( These interfaces let users navigate large but relatively homogeneous datasets at different levels of detail, on both workstations [77], [37], [73], [72], [71], [38], [76], [36], [78] and wall-sized displays [68], [63], [75], [67], [39], [45], [44]. This part of the ILDA research program is about extending multi-scale navigation in two directions: 1. Enabling the representation of multiple, spatially-registered but widely varying, multi-scale data layers in Geographical Information Systems (GIS); 2. Generalizing the multi-scale navigation paradigm to interconnected, heterogeneous datasets as found on the Web of Data.
The first research problem has been mainly investigated in collaboration with IGN in the context of ANR project MapMuxing (Section 8.1.1), which stands for multi-dimensional map multiplexing. Project MapMuxing aims at going beyond the traditional pan & zoom and overview+detail interface schemes, and at designing and evaluating novel cartographic visualizations that rely on high-quality generalization, i.e., the simplification of geographic data to make it legible at a given map scale [84], [85], and symbol specification. Beyond project MapMuxing, we are also investigating multi-scale multiplexing techniques for geo-localized data in the specific context of ultra-high-resolution wall-sized displays, where the combination of a very high pixel density and large physical surface (Figure 3) enable us to explore designs that involve collaborative interaction and physical navigation in front of the workspace. This is work done in cooperation with team Massive Data at Inria Chile.
The second research problem is about the extension of multi-scale navigation to interconnected, heterogeneous datasets. Generalization has a rather straightforward definition in the specific domain of geographical information systems, where data items are geographical entities that naturally aggregate as scale increases. But it is unclear how generalization could work for representations of the more heterogeneous webs of data that we consider in the first axis of our research program. Those data form complex networks of resources with multiple and quite varied relationships between them, that cannot rely on a single, unified type of representation (a role played by maps in GIS applications).
Addressing the limits of current generalization processes is a longer-term, more exploratory endeavor. Here again, the machine-processable semantics and structure of the data give us an opportunity to rethink how users navigate interconnected heterogeneous datasets. Using these additional data, we investigate ways to generalize the multi-scale navigation paradigm to datasets whose layout and spatial relationships can be much richer and much more diverse than what can be encoded with static linear hierarchies as typically found today in interfaces for browsing maps or large imagery. Our goal is thus to design and develop highly dynamic and versatile multi-scale information spaces for heterogeneous data whose structure and semantics are not known in advance, but discovered incrementally.
Relevant publications by team members this year: [4], [25], [24], [15], [13], [12], [31], [11], [14].